Can one be awake and still be dreaming?????

Kool with Me…“cant we all just get along”?!

that was good by the way jeff… gotta hand it to ya!

I’ve had that but I wouldn’t have been able to describe it so clearly.

I don’t have a problem with posts unless someone is being got at.

Why does it have to be 100% correct, when we understood what this person said?? My writing skills suck, and i dont want to stop using forums/messageboards just because of that. Not everyone has equalent skills…

You seem like a very egoistic and selfish person then. :neutral:

no, we don’t have equal skills, but the fact is that writing like that , with all one sentence, and no line breaks, and not being a bit careful with the space, and all that, can lead to people having to practically rewrite your post to make sense of it, and surely you don’t want that, because then everybody will just give up on you and go away, yeah? and you dont want that, right? cos thats annoying.

Thanks for reading my post.

If you don’t tell people things they might not like, then… then people won’t know things they should!

True! Good point!
If you keep it informing and not judging ppl dont have to feel offended from it.

I’m not sure you understood, Jeff… the “Thanks” bit was referring to the two quotes above it. In sarcasm. :content:

Hmmm… Could we come back to the main topic ? :grin:
Konnart, there is something I didn’t understand in your first post.

When I’ve read this first post, I believed that your were fully awaken, for instance standing in the kitchen, and that you suddenly had an hallucination. This would have been very very weird. :bored:
After reading other posts, what I understand now is that these events happend when you were in your bed, just after waking up, and that you talked to your brother in a bed near yours. Am I wrong ?
Does it happend just once ?
If so, I had two similar experiences, just after waking up. In one of them, I was in my bed yet when I saw a ball of fire going out of my body and flying in the room. It lasted just a second. I was fully awake cause just after that I went out of my bed and eat my breakfast.
But your experience must have last much longer, if you were talking with dream people ?

my expirience lasted about ten to 15 seconds long… just long enuf to talk to dream ppl then talk to my brother then talk to dream pll again and poof they wer gone… one time there was kids in my room and a road leading out from my wall, i could see ppl on the street on the side of my house… in that dream i was also talking with my wide awake brother… one time i n my room there was couches on both sides of my bed with ppl on them, hanggin out like it was normal… my other brother came in the room and askt me who i was talking to. . . my other concern at the time i posted was the buzzing feeling and twisting rubber noises that i would hear wen i was just at the point of falling asleep but still awake… it almost felt like i was passing out cuz everything would go black and all sounds would just completely stop… i mean zero sound… i would shake this off… but i think im begining to understand what that was… maybe the begining stages of an OOBE, i dont know , but im still reading a few things… but i can say that this has all stopped and i think its bcuz i stopped tryin to LD, ecept for just recently when i stummbled on to this web site… im makin slow progress but nothin close to were i was… for the last three days ive been having dreams where i would get from place to place hovering, like a foot off the ground, and for some reason this is perfectly normal to me bcuz it dosent trigger LDing…

PS. ive also had the expirience of a glowing ball of white blue lite coming from my body, floating around the room and dissapeering into a wall… my oldest brother has had the same expierience…

Hey ! That’s very strange ! :happy: I wonder if other people here had the same experience ? Mine was glowing too, red like fire, and went away from me, straight ahead against the wall before it disappeared.

maybe it’s the aliens… they are watching us you know…

the truth is out there :om:

is there anyway to combine these post with another topic i seen on SP…

Witch topic konnart?

konnart, this was a thread with a personal question of yours. The other topic, whatever it was, should stay seperate.

Otherwise, if you find two threads which are very similar, copy the address of one (the older might be best) and post it in the other (newer?) topic. The newer topic will then be locked by a moderator.

In a way it is possible. If you have done certain drugs or stayed up for about 48 hours straight you will experience half reality type stuff often (of course depending on the drug).

I have had it happen many times when I stayed up all night with a friend and after leaving their house I would often find myself thinking that I heard them talking to me. Sometimes I even got so caught up that I don’t remember if I actually started to talk out load thinking someone was there.

With drugs its obvious that you can often see things that arn’t there. Many times with stuff like diphenhydramine and dramine you will often think your friends are in the room and you can even talk to them. But non of it is really happening. Just you sitting there talking to no one.

Konnart, good to see YOU back here, good to reed that you seem to be dealing with it and learning from it, I am curious to ask what information you might have found on the subject of you own question. I will have to go and take a look at Gordo posting of a book, I have yet to take a look at it. Since things seem to have smooth out for you, I will extend some sort of congratulations to You, I didn’t want to write this when you first posted your question, because you seemed to be dealing with some strong feelings, I don’t make joke’s about it, I have seen friends, get institutionalized for a time, when experiences got so strong, that emotions made it nearly impossible to deal with what is going on. So it seems you have done well for your self, good.
downward~spiral posted something about drug induced experiences of hallucinations (dreaming while awake in a way… as I see it), indeed, witch was my reason to suggest reading Timothy Leary, the thing with drug induced hallucinations is that you often lack the mental clarity to exercise some “control” over it, on the other hand, once the drug effect is gone, so are the hallucination (usually), and it easier to relax about it all…
So, again, good to see you back and keep it up, You brought on a good post here, (as long as we can ignore the chit chat on punctuation).

Thanks … and yes things are alot eissier and better to deal with when you know a little about what is goin on… and the book that gordo posted realy helpt out alot on clearing things up…
i have been trying my hardest to ld since finding out more about SP and the halucinations… for a time there i was getting frustated with the whole thing, i even posted a question about on line classes, cus i almost felt like i needed to be led by the hand so to speak…
since i posted this question i have had the expierience twice but very brief and was unable to follow thru, and latch on to an LD…
what ive been doing is probably unhealthy and if i was to speak about this to anyone else they would defintly think i was nuts and instututionlize me,…
anyway ive been cutting my sleep down to two or three hours a night and not eating right and working long hours so to duplicate the situation i was in, at the time when i had the halucin’s…
it seems to be working however i think i was more stressed out at the time, the most its been doing regularly is giving me FA’s, but it did give me the numb buzzing feeling twice so i think im on the right track…
However its efecting my work so i might just try more conventional ways…
And Downward spiral is definitly right about what he posted, but drugs for me is out of the question and i’ll have to do this without its hlep… because i dont want to get caught up in its clutch again…
Two years clean and sober and a few months less than that for weed… and i most definitly dont want to give it up just for LDing…about the only thing i do now is trip my ass off for meditation purposes once every 1 or 2 years…
Obsession is the key Deucalion, obsess about dreaming and it will happen i am confident…i dont know how long it will take this time but it will for sure…
Most of the time latly, as soon as my eyes open from dreaming i instanly forget all and everything…
i hav yet to start a journal but i think its cus i realy dont think i would have much to put down bieng that i forget the dreams…
Sry im all over the place with this post but my life right now is the
same way so i sort of type down what ever pops into my head…
I’ll keep you posted on my journey and if you or anyone else have any more suggestions i would love to hear them…
PS. hows my typing skills look now?, ive been working on them…haha

I don’t think replying to that would be appropriate.

I’ve been asked not to ask anybody to improve their English on the forums.

What are line classes?

Edit: Oh… online classes… sorry.