I had a dream the night before last, and the girl that I like was in it. We were on the school bus, but instead of the middle to front where we always sit, we were in the back (not sure if that means anything but that wasn’t what I wanted interpreted). She has really long hair IRL (about 23-24 inches), but in this dream her hair was very short (7-8 inches). Also I had another dream last night where there was something else that was different about her appearance. Does this mean anything?
Something I read about analyzing your dreams is to ask yourself, “what does this mean to me?” With each image or person in your dream ask what it means to yourself. Your gut reaction is probably what it means to you.
I didn’t really have a gut reaction . . . at least not one that I remember.
Identifying Characteristics: Hair often reflects styles of thinking.
Make your own conclusions.
Hmm… well some say that many of our dreams are meaningless. I’m kind of on the fence about that one. But for example look at your dream. You could say, “what does it mean to me that she has shorter hair” or “what does this girl mean to me.” I believe that only you can interperate your own dreams. Other people can help though. But I am at a loss for this one sorry.
hmm. I have analysed dreams (mainly just friends) for a few years now and i really have to say this may mean nothing. Hair can mean a couple of things but generally seeing someone with shorter/longer hair than they have may simply be caused by your personal preference of hair length?
Has she had hair that length in the past? It could simply be that you are remembering an older hairstyle in the dream.
Then again maybe it was just a dream.
just a few thoughts.
i am not so sure it would mean nothing, i know you have had a lot more post than me but still, i think every dream means somthing and it is what you are thinkin bout.
if it were my dream:
to me the back of the bus represents a “cool” place to sit. As i grew up catching the bus to highschool this is the feeling i have for it. Maybe you are wanting to take a diffrent attuide,a dirrect approach, or maybe being at the back of the bus is further away from the driver, being in less controll. As for hair? she has changed her hair in the dream and for me this would represent that i see her diffrently than how i used to. Right righard of course she has shorter hair. No i am you see her in diffrent light, withy new eyes. u get the idea. Short hair to me would mean she has lost somthing, or somthing has been taken away from her. Do u like the look of her better with short or long hair??.
thant bout all i got. Like i said if it were my dream thats how i would interp it.
Good luck