I had this one dream last night that is really bothering me, like I’m missing the point of it.
Maybe someone who is into dream definitions and searching for meanings behind dreams can help me out some. Usually I can figure them out on my own but this one seems to be extroidinarily hard.
There was this tombstone, an above-ground grave of someone. It is smaller than most above-ground tombs would be. Maybe half the size. It is extremely old. The lid to it IS the tombstone. It was aged, and looked dirty, but it wasn’t actually dirty to the touch. There were words written on the top, but it was in another language and I couldn’t read it. (Note: it was not written in english and I just couldnt figure out what it said, it was in a language that looked like ancient roman or some such thing, and I knew in my dream it was another language.)
I knew that there were answers to things I needed to know inside of that box/tomb, but I didn’t understand how there could be answers to anything with a dead person inside of it. Near to this time, a woman that was passing by, whom I don’t know- although her face reminds me of a character that I picture in some books I read, tells me that that tomb was found to be a million years old. At this time, she appears to be wearing archeological clothing, but she walks off and was not seen again.
When I look back at the grave, which looked like it was part of some type of bench or something, the lid of it had been moved. Someone had pushed the lid over, so that there was now a corner of the actual tomb exposed to the world.
The area surrounding the tomb had always remained dark, but when I looked around me, like when I saw the woman, it was daytime outside and almost looked as though this was taking place in a park. Although the tomb itself appeared to be in the backyard of a dark house. (I should probably note that the darkness did not feel like a bad or scary darkness. It just was dark, as the light was just light.)
To my knowledge I did not peer into the box, however, I remember at this point the dream kind of shifts around a bit, and at one point, I am standing directly next to the box and knowing that if the man buried in there was buried in there a million years ago, that didn’t make sense because they didn’t have concrete or stone, or whatever it was, above-ground bruial sites a million years ago. He would have just been a caveman or some such thing.
At this point, my dream changes, and I am then in the drivers seat of a car with one of my friends, but soon this changes and I am in the passenger seat of the car, with a guy that is supposed to be my boyfriend, although I do not know him in waking life. In the dream I did know him though, and he was driving me around to random gas stations, and we were looking for food places that were open, and looking for a place that had a bathroom. (I realize the food and bathroom thing is because I slept for about 14 hours last night, and I was probably hungry and had to tinkle lol. But the unknown boyfriend driving me around I feel is significant. I am almost NEVER the passenger in cars in my dreams, I’m always the driver.)
Finally me and my friend, who had moved to the backseat, found a place that had bathrooms and food, and when we were going to go there, the dream changed once again.
That part of the dream is very strange and actually jumps around too much to even try to describe it, and I do not feel that this part of the dream is as significant as the other parts, or else it would keep pestering me as the grave/unknown boyfriend thing is. Another thing I feel I should mention that may or may not relate to this, is that almost everynight when I go to sleep, I hope that I will dream about my future husband. (In the past, I have dreamt about guys I’ve gone out with years before I’ve ever met them, name and all, so I feel this is achievable lol.) Anyway, this relates I think, because I knew in my dream there were answers to something in the tomb, and then after I was right next to the tomb when it was open, I dreamt about some unknown guy that was my boyfriend in the dream.
So if these relate, I do not know, but I felt it worth mentioning. I am also bothered by the “million years old” thing… I am having a hard time figuring out the meaning behind that, but I definitely feel there IS meaning behind it.
I think I mentioned everything worth mentioning, if someone could attempt to help me out that would be greatly appreciated. I’ve already went through dreammoods.com (the only dream dictionary I actually trust), and while the tombstone meaning feels fairly right, I can’t figure out how to look up some of the other stuff, and the way I define my dreams usually isn’t working when applying it to this one. So any help would be great.
Thanks sooo much to anyone who even tries lol.