Can you bring back objects from your dreams? [Part II]

I agree with Infinitycascade, that would most likely be a coincidence.

I dream about air and clouds. I wake up, and wow, air and clouds everywhere! I can materialise things from my dreams!! :razz:

Xetrov has some kind of magical powers :eek:

not possible people.

did it occur to you that several hundred years ago it was not possible the earth was round. a hundred years ago it was not possible man could fly (in a machine of course). 40 years ago it was not possible man could walk on the moon. I’m sorry but i refuse to believe anything is not possible anymore. We know absolutely nothing about the universe in comparison to how much is out there so stop talking like you know what is and what isn’t. Who cares what level science is at now, it’s definitely not reached maximum knowledge and understanding yet. At least if you are going to deny the possibility say “not probable. or unlikely” so people don’t think you’re close-minded.

one other point i wish to make, im sure someone said this already b/c i didn’t have time to read all the posts but give more credit to matter and energy. if matter can become energy (burning wood to make fire) (organic processes) (anything that moves :smile: ). why can’t energy become matter.

Yeah garebear you are right. It is highly unlikely to the current understanding of physics. This doesnt say swat of course, but still to me it is a pink “wannabee” elephant.

Energy and matter are interchangable, so it goes both ways, but it would take a tremendous amount of power to convert energy to matter, something like, 10 atomic bombs I would guess.

Just remember, if your mind is too open, your brains might fall out :tongue:
If this were possible, someone would have done it by now…mankind has been dreaming for how many millions of years?:wink:

i completley agree with garebear i think with what we have acomlished so far why cant we take that next step. and also if we need 10 atomic bombs worth of energy try to dream power into yourself maybe it will affect your mental state to be more open with the universe. who knows?

The energy laws are meant for the physical plane: physical matter can be transformed to purely physical energy and the other way round. If you’re talking about mental energies, you’re on a whole other level. Those laws which apply for the objective physical realm can’t just be projected on other realms like the subjective mental realm, no matter how convenient that would be. You can’t just mix everything you got and then pick out the things you like to create your favorite theory…

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There is so far no evidence that materialization is theoretically possible.I found this topic since i normally roam on ld4all for about 2 to 3 hours on my chromebook but it for a different use so i cannot use it in my chromebook,i am returning it within 14 days.Basically when school starts I will be in year 8.After reading Anna and the hoax thingi got upset,since i thought it was real.I guess Anna probably was a hoax,assuming that Susan and Anna had the same ip.Moving on:

I love reading ld4all,and this got me hyped up.Would this be possible,i do not know since there is not strategic explanation behind all these possibilities.
If you believe then you could possibly try since before LD’ing was thought to be a myth.

So to conclude:

The force relies within faith or science!