I have once before in a LD been able to feel my physical body at the same time as my dream body, but this was mainly because I was starting to wake up. So I know this is possible, but my question is more wondering if it is OK to check if you can feel your physical body. I do this a lot when I’m starting to WILD but this keeps me up and I’m wondering whether it is even worth it. When I am fully in a dream will I still be able to feel my physical body?
In short: Once you are fully in a dream (especially through WILD) will you still be able to feel your physical body? Can you test whether you are fully in a dream or still just visualizing by seeing if you can feel your physical body?
Well, you shouldn’t check on your body when you’re trying to WILD instead you should be concentrating staying conscious. I suppose you can do a RC when you think you are in a dream. I haven’t felt my body in a LD before so I wouldn’t know about that.
Thanks for the quick reply kT4all, I do realize you shouldn’t do that during WILD…but then how do you know when it is fully a dream and no longer just the visualization? Because if I visualize a RC that will show I’m dreaming as well.
Yes. Usually I ignore it, but there have been many times where I have still been aware of my physical body asleep in my bed as I went through my lucid dream. Its stronger and more common when I use WBTB+WILD though.
My last lucid dream I was aware of my physical body at the same time as my dream body, it was one of those “dual awareness” situations where I was starting to wake up and I could actually see my bed and the dream world at the same time. Then I closed my eyes and reentered the dream world before fully waking up.
It certainly is a fun experience but now my question is how do you tell the difference between just day-dreaming or visualization and truly dreaming/sleeping?
lol, but an RC will still prove you are dreaming in a day dream, unless you are saying do it with what you THINK is your physical body and then see if it really is or not. Plus I don’t think its that simple, a lot of people(as seen above) seem to be able to feel their body while they are dreaming.
For me, It really depends on the strength of my lucid dream. Sometimes i’ll feel my physical body when my lucidity is really low. But most of the time i will have no connection to my real body (which is good for teleporting)
It happens to me sometimes, that I can see my bedroom or feel my “real” body while I’m still in a lucid dream… and yes, usually it means I’m waking up.
About telling apart visualisation and dreams when that happens… I don’t know, to me it’s always been pretty obvious lol, although I never “officially” WILD… but there have been times when I have started to wake up, started seeing the room and feeling my body, and I re-entered the dream by imagining things, only to bring the dream back to full power. I can usually just tell after a while… when things become less blurry, more detailed, and much more vivid. My visualisation is never that vivid, not the way my dreams are. I mean, I can sometimes look around in a lucid dream and think “wow, it looks so real!”, and that never happens to me with just visualisation. I guess I never had any trouble telling apart dreams from imagination because there’s a big difference in quality for me.
Thank you, Olesia! I guess you are right, now that I think about it there would be a big difference in quality between visualisation and a dream. I think a big part of it is about dominance. Do you mainly feel your physical body and are imagining the feelings of your dream body or are you just feeling/checking up on your physical body while predominantly experiencing the dream. Well, that was an easy question to answer I guess :-P.
So from now on I guess this topic can continue as all about feeling your physical body while still being in a dream .
I actually moved my RL arm in an LD this night (I wanted to do so). But it’d take some minutes until I finally woke up… Check out this fragment from my DJ: