Can You Read Your Mind In a LD?

I lost my phone and cant find it anywhere and its dead. So if i have a Lucid dream would it be possible for me to enter my memory and try and find where i put it down?

please :help:

,W!zzFx LD

I would love to say “anything is possible”; but in your dream, I’d imagine if you have even a tiny suspicion of where you left it, your mind will automatically re-create that location, causing a false memory of where you truly lost it.

I’m not sure if I know anymore in a dream than waking, but maybe you could ask a dream charachter? They seem to be doorways to hidden info at times.

So what i got from that is i Shouldn’t try to do things that involve real life on my own in a LD because My sub-concuis (my bad on spelling) will be mean and trick me where as DC’s aren’t going to try and trick me and may help me?

Eh, not quite. DC’s can be extremely tricky as well. The possibilities are very open on something like this.

I would try it either way. What’s the worst that could happen? You look and the keys aren’t there? It’s an experiment, haha.

Oh, and DC’s can be argued as part of our SC as well, more along the lines of personifaction aspects of our SC. Who knows for absolute certainty though?

Thanks for the help and ill try next time im lucid maybe it’ll work maybe not, i hope it does thoe

Yeah, let us know! This type of stuff really is interesting and if it’s not already being studided, most likey will be in the future.

I would bet that this is something that could get more accurate with practice as well.

To give an epic (philosophic) answer to that, I’d tell you that in a LD you are inside your mind. Reading it would mean just looking around, seeing, hearing, feeling.

But I won’t go into such (pathetic) answers which wouldn’t help a bit, and tell you straight what I think: The SC may be a powerful memory deposit, still it’s not a surveillance camera to record everything. I believe the SC records what you are conscious of at the moment you are experiencing it. I mean, you can forget that, but the point is to be aware of the actions you take (- which could also explain why you don’t always remember your dreams).

PLUS the SC is, like I said, a memory storage: it stores info and “replays” that info what we know as the word remembering. So if you didn’t have a SC, you wouldn’t be able to remember things. You can’t remember something ? The SC hasn’t stored it.

So, if you weren’t aware of your action at the time you put your phone wherever you put it, it’s highly probable the SC hasn’t recorded a thing.

Sorry man but LD’ing won’t help you out with this. This site showed you a different perspective of you dreams (and in general really). That doesn’t change the logical order of things to happen you know… only you viewing it in another way. I don’t think you’re seeing it right, but with time passing you’ll do.

As a conclusion: the SC might though store such information (unconscious actions) without you knowing it. But it would happen really rare, as the SC doesn’t have it’s own “unconscious” brain. It’s a part of the conscious brain, so it can’t do more than what you allow it to while being aware. I think you get the point anyways.

Good day ! :smile:

Don Anonymus thank you for the very detailed anwser from what i get out if it (i moight of gottin it rong but i didnt start Lding to try and find it i just thought i might be able to kill 2 birds with one stone

once you try it, let me know if it works. That would be very interesting if so. I believe you most certainly could recall where you left it, because people have literally solved problems in their dreams before dealing with very complicated issues. So let me know please!