Ive been trying this for a few months now and ive gotten lucid twice…but only for a few seconds. When i become lucid i immediatley think im on some time limit and i try to do everything i want…but i just end up panicin and then i wake up. What can i do!?!
You should relzx and don’t push yourself, first breath in and out in the dream and do whatever you want, don’t think about the dream ending cause you’ll make it end.
also i set my mind to awake from my dreams and to remember them, this works but then i cant seem to get up to write my dream out, then in the morning i cant remember them, any tips??
Keywords are the best I use to write my full dreams out before I went back to sleep but now I just write keywords and fill them in later on my online journal. A recorder beside your bed might be a viable option?
About the keeping calm bit I am the same I had an LD this mourning and woke right back up went I tried to get back to sleep I couldn’t breathe and so I had to wake up. My subconscious must have been peeved off I figured out it was a dream
yeah its quite hard for me to write my dreams down cause i share a bed with my gf and she gets peed off cause im always up at night lol. ohwel worth it for an ld!
I can relate to that my girlfriend is pretty bad for waking up at the slightest of noises. So I have to be a discrete as possible. I tried unsuccessfully to get her into LDing which didnt work so you might try that? If not and she gets annoyed at you getting up at all hours just say “Honey I am about to have dinner with [insert celebrity] so if you don’t mind Il see you in the mourning,”
ive told her about it, but im always talkin about what she would call “wierd” things, so she wouldnt go for it lol. ahwel her loss lol
I write my dreams but have no girlfriend, I’m much more pathetic…
Why not set a goal for each LD? Then you have one thing in mind that you want to do, so you won’t feel as rushed, and you could enjoy it more. It would probably be best if you decided on what to do right before sleeping, or you could do what I do and procrastinate until you are in an LD, and spontaneously decide. XD
Hope that helps.
EDIT: Oh yeah, as for remembering I replay the dream in my mind a couple times. That makes it easier to remember later.
I used to have that problem, too.
Like there’s not much time, so you have to do everything quickly, right?
Yes, setting your intentions helps very much, but so does making the dream more lucid.
Try rubbing your hands and taking a deeeeep breath. It will slow things down for you and clear your mind for sure.
But know this: The more impatient and the quicker you are, the shorter the dream will be.
One of the biggests truths about lucid dreaming!
I used to have this problem too. My problem now is I don’t get lucid enough to be in control of my actions…
But about remembering your dreams in the morning, I sometimes try to find one element of the dream that would make me remember the whole thing. For example, if I have a long dream about camels, I’ll focus only on the word camel, not on the whole dream. Then in the morning I’ll rememer camel and with a little luck (doesn’t always work ) more parts of the dream will follow. Just an idea, can be easier than trying to remember the whole dream.