Can't remember any dreams

I remember fragment of them right when I wake up but not enough to tell a story of aqny kind so I grab the journal and those fragments are gone

Have you tried a mantra for this kind of case? When going to sleep, repeat to yourself over and over again that you’ll remember your dreams and it might work. I’ve found mantras to be extremely successful for me.


I believe mantras and auto-suggestions are basically the same. Somebody correct me if I’m mistaken.

For how long you practice LD’s? I’m asking you that, because in my case, the period when I didn’t practice LD’s I haven’t had any DR, and often I was asking my self am I dreaming or not… So when I become interested in LD’s then I learned that I’m dreaming but I don’t recall any dreams…

And mine point of these story is, I didn’t pay attention to dreams and I didn’t have any recall, but after some time fragments became pages, so maybe your not long enough into dreams and LD’s, and maybe you should give it more time…

But that’s only my opinion :smile:, but I hope you’ll get much better recall and many LD’s!! :happy:


If you want to remember your dreams, you will remember them. If you have the drive and determination to practice certain techniques, you will have lucid dreams.

Are you getting enough sleep so that you enter REM sleep?

Are you performing mantra’s?

Are you keeping positive so that you will remember your dreams?

There’s so much you can do to help remember every single detail of a dream, then, as your dream recall gets a lot better so that you are writing down a ton of information, then you can start trying to have lucid dreams. :wink:

Try eatting a bannana before bed, gives me very vivid dreams and helps me remember them.

Eat three or four ounces of any kind of nuts before bed. Unsalted nuts are OK. Your dreams will become more vivid and memorable.

ya i remember a list of good dream foods so if i remember where it is ill post it here but some others that i remember are things like dairy products. and different foods work for different people so do some tests. personally i like bananas


I suggest that when you wake up in the morning, that you just lay in your bed for about ten minutes going over any dream fragments you had over and over again. This will help burn the dreams into your memory, so that you will be able to remember them when you go to write them down in your DJ.