Just three nights ago I joined this website, becoming interested in lucidity after having an FLD. However since then I have not dreamt! I haven’t remembered even an ND since the night of my FLD. I’m becoming impatient, so I need help. How do you increase chances of remembering a dream?
**I also haven’t ever experienced a strong LD. I’m curious as to if this happens to lucid dreamers, too.
It happens sometimes that your DR just vanishes for one or more days. Do you keep a DJ? If not, then I strongly suggest you to get one, it’s the most powerful tool for a good DR. A lot of stress or a change in your life can also affect your DR negatively. You seem motivated, so that is probably not the problem. Before going to sleep, saying a mantra/autosuggestion to yourself will boost your ability to remember your dreams, then you just have to write them down in as much detail as you can, even if you only remember a small fragment. Good luck!
Two things I know from expierence. Don’t smoke weed 6-8 hours before bed or your
dream recall will not be as effecient. Also, If you fall asleep by T.V or go to sleep right after using the computer, you won’t have great recall. Read a book or practice quick 10 min. of strectching/yoga and your mindset will be more receptive to DR.
I’ve had periods of terrible recall before too. It usually comes back pretty quickly, i.e., within a week. That’s when I’m actually keeping a DJ consistently, of course.