Cant remember dreams!

I can’t remember my dreams so I can’t even start a dream journal or anything.I lie still with my eyes closed when I wake up and try to remember them but I still draw a blank like I didn’t dream at all.I tried setting an alarm clock to wake me up in the middle of the night,I’ve tried taking melatonin,and also ginkgo biloba,but I still can’t even dream at all.

hmmm… don’t give up, man…
sometimes trying too hard to remember doesn’t help… just try recording how you feel when you wake up…
or try making up a story and writing it down when you wake up… chances are some of your inspiration might spark your memory… sometimes i remember parts of my dreams during the day, too.
don’t give up, though… some mornings i don’t remember dreams at all… you just have to get in the flow.
good luck,

We have a special BIG topic dedicated to remembering dreams. To keep things central this topic is locked.