Can't remember my dreams

Greetings oneironauts! I am fairly new to LD’s. I have known about them and have always been pretty intrigued by the idea of going into your own head and adventuring around. I’ve been trying for a few weeks and had a few sporadic LD’s that were for the most part,unintentional. My problem is dream recall. Recently I have been keepin a dream journal to boost my recall but every morning I wake up,whether I’m naturally awoken or by an alarm clock I don’t have the slightest recollection of my dreams. I’m quite serious about my endeavors so I ensure to put alot of effort into my reality checks and all around lucid dreaming. I try to meditate at least once a night before I goto bed to help focus my intentions with no luck. Suggestions and tips would be extremely appreciated. Thank you,good luck,and keep dreamin guys!:slight_smile:

Dream recall is very tricky. Firstly if you didn’t put any effort in remembering dreams all this years and if you became interested in lucid dreaming lately you need time to regain this ability…

Time, time and time :content:

If you give yourself time then you can do whatever you want, it’s not hard at all. Also from my experience DR is very unstable, bigger changes can mess with it, also: stress, worries, school, work, etc.

Take it easy and you’ll be successful!

Thank you very much, I guess patience really is a virtue!

Also, when you wake up, don’t jump up from your bed, stay there for a moment, it’s more likely you will collect dream fragments which will turn into memory. Just don’t fall asleep ^^

Also, how come you keep a dream journal every day if you don’t remember a thing?

Thank you, I could see how keepin a clear head upon waking could help but unfortunately my first though upon waking is about my dreadful jobs. Thank you for the insight. Also it was a bit exaggerated to say i don’t remember ANY dreams at all. I use my journal to scribble down what happened in the dreams but only in small bits and pieces, about a sentence or two an entry. It’s hard to remember details and things of
That nature

That’s good, fragments lead to full dreams at some point.
Simply continue doing what you do and you could try to repeat a mantra before falling asleep about remembering your dreams as soon as you wake up, so as not to think about your jobs.

First off, I just want to say, by telling yourself that you can’t do it, you’re making it harder for yourself. Also, at the beginning of your journey into dreaming, it’s best to use a mantra to make yourself remember your dreams. Before you go to bed, just repeat (verbally or orally:) “I will remember my dreams.” Not a bunch of times, just enough to get the point across to your subconscious. Remember, your subconscious wants to give you what you want, but it doesn’t always understand your intentions, so you need to be clear and precise. And, as was previously said, patience! It’s the most important part of Dream Recall.

Thanks guys! I’ll def try to keep a positive outlook on it all. I’ll keep you update to let you know how it goes.

I’m sort of in the same boat. Sometimes I can recall my dreams so vividly that it takes me around 45 minutes to write them in my DJ. Then other nights I can barely remember anything at all.

It could just be me, but I’ve found if you’re extremely busy or feeling stressed, DR can be quite difficult.

I hear ya man,it’s so tough to even get the motivation sometimes on busier days. Once in a while I’ll have have these great recall days where I can recall about a page or so but most of the time its pretty tough