Can't stay calm

I’ve had two LDs so far, and they were both exactly the same.

Both times, I was in my room. I looked at my digital clock and the numbers had turned to symbols, so I knew I was dreaming. But instead of becoming excited or happy, I became completely terrified. I don’t know why, nothing about lucid dreaming really scares me. I couldn’t control my panic, I’ve never been that scared in my life before… I tried telling myself that it was all a dream and that nothing could hurt me, but I was so terrified that my mind couldn’t focus on anything else other than how scared I was and instead I woke up. :cry:

I have no idea why I got so scared all of a sudden, I don’t know about anything that happened that could have caused it. I have heard that all your senses become much more vivid and aware when you become lucid. Could it be that I was a tiny bit scared in the first place, but when I became lucid I was much more aware of my fear and it and it became overpowering?

Whatever the reason, I need to find some way of changing my reaction to becoming lucid, or else this is the farthest I’ll ever get in a LD. :sad: :help:

S’all right, you’ll get better! I tend to get excited rather than scared. Maybe you should just put that idea into your head while you try your techniques.

Happy LD’s! :fly:

You know, I was a little scared in my first LD also. I think it was because I was kind of skeptical about lucid dreaming in general, and it is such a new thing to me. When I finally realized that it could be done, I was blown away at how real it seemed. I think it’s something you can get over though, once you become used to it.

Keep us posted on your progress, because mine is certainly nonexistent!

Yeah, my first LD I got way too excited! But now I know for my next one, that right when I become lucid, before I fly or anything, I’m gonna sit and relax. Perhaps do some simple multiplication or something to get my mind straight.

Hope I helped.

In my first LD I was terrified. I’d done a nose RC and it worked and yeah I had the same reaction as you. Totally freaked out. It turned into a nightmare and me trying to wake myself up every way possible. My thought is that you’re probably subconciously afraid of trying it, so you tend to freak out. Just try to relax yourself and remember it’s only a dream and nothing bad can happen. Sometimes it helps to imagine things that help you relax, like good weather. Usually, if you believe it enough, the weather will change and you’ll find yourself feeling a little better.

I also always start off in my room when I LD. I concluded, after asking for opinions, that this was caused because my room is the place I feel most secure in and recognise most. You’ll probably find that you have to force yourself out of your room. I had to force myself to leave my room in my LD even though at first I was scared. You’ve just got to really believe you can.

My 3rd LD was only about an hour ago after an afternoon nap. I’ve been working on LDing so that I can finally build up the confidence to leave my room. So, before I fell asleep I made having an LD and leaving my room in that LD my first priority. Make leaving your room another priority after you learn to calm down in your LD’s because you can do so many more things outside your room.

I hope I helped and good luck in your next LD. You will get further that just your room, trust me. It’ll just take some time and practice.

This could definately be the case. What you should do is go to sleep with a positive attitude, try to feel happy and relaxed. Tell yourself also that you will not fear anything in your next LD (autosuggestion style). Good luck with it.