Okay just got an extreamly vivid lucid dream, but you see I have two huge problems. First problem I have the bad habbit of closing one eye while talking to people. I did that when I was asking for help I couldnt reopen it, I could switch eyes and I opened and clsoed them to much and woke up. Problem # 2 I have an extramly hard time talking in a dream. I approached a DC. I tryed talking but it was really quiet, I showed him my hand and it had 4 fingers he nodded and asked me “Cant talk?” While he was explaining it to me I closed my one eye and coudnt open it =\ Why cant I talk
It is possible that this can be linked to WL communication issues IMHO. When approaching people, you should keep in mind that they are just as good-willed as you are, and are often prone to help others out if they notice difficulties. You should also value your opinion more, and be a little more confident in yourself when you dialog: you are a part of the conversation just as they are, so open up more freely and let your honest opinion be heard!
Good luck for your next dreams
Woot 7 lds in a row, first 3 I had the seeing ishue, I hood would be over my eyes, and my hair would be in my eyes, every time I moved it, it would come back, second time When I woke up my room was pitch dark, lights wouldnt work, couldnt hold on, third time I couldnt fix the hood thing quick enough again and lost it, fourth I didnt have any hood and I could shout and scream perfectly. That bannana and applejuice works Miracles!!! All the dreams I went into them knowing I was lucid. Amazing! I tryed the naked thing to stay in the dream but another DC did it too and I got exited >.> I love this site!!! I love bannanas!!! Maybe im over reacting >.>
Nice that you are having so many frequent LD’s Can I have some of your Power please?
As tosxy said, confidence helps everywhere, especially in dreams.
While being confident and believing in ourselves in real life helps us overcome some things or deal with them, in dreams it does much more.
In dreams, confidence equals power.
In other words, if you are sure you can do something and you believe it, you will.
If you subconsciously fear you will fail, it’s very likely that your mind will take that option.
Once you get more confident and relax, I am sure you will be able to talk, just give it some time ^^
By the way…really nice LD streak.
A good sign
Sounds like an entirely rational reaction to me… Also (as you’ve seen) the more you do it, the easier it gets. Just keep with it and little inconveniences like that will just go away.
I did something the other night when I lost sight that really helped. Every time we lose sight we focus too much on that, that’s why the dream fades. Next time the eye thing happens just stay calm and start rubbing something. Put all your focus on that feeling and on hearing. When I did this I didn’t wake up and my sight came back after a few seconds!
But in general, don’t worry about these things, they tend to go away as you get better
its not that I lost sight, something forcefully placed itself on my face in several of the dreams whenever I would remove it it would poof back onto my face.
I had this too at times, and one good way to deal with that is just saying, “I can see through that”, which in fact you do. It’s just a matter of reimagining what’s on the other side of the object, and you see right through Hope it helps
Had another lucid dream, I heard menicing sounds outside my room, my first reaction was a RC. I realized I was dreaming and slowly got out of bed not wanting to wake up. My blankets clung to my body and face. I couldnt see but that didnt stop me. Thinking to myself I will remove this and I can see, the blankets are why I cant see. It worked a little and I could see some, Just a small area, not my normal range of vision. I tryed to shout “SHOW YOURSELF!” imagining my voice being all deep and boomy, like I was about to unleash my wrath XD but it came out as random jiberish. I tryed again with “LUCIDITY!” random jiberish again. I kept doing it until I could whisper the words very quietly and went outside my room. Looking around wildly, trying to make up for my lack of vision range. I bumped into something and looked up, seeing the grim reaper. I hugged him and looked into his hood, making sure he could see me and whispered as lowdly as posible “i cant talk?” in question sounding form then my mom woke me up >.>. I still dont understand, I was very confident that i would be able to talk.
You are sure making progress, but it can take a few tries; if you still couldn’t talk in this dream, try thinking why you couldn’t this time, and change approach on the next, so you may succeed! Good luck ^^
In a dream your mind is controlling everything and there are no soundwaves like real life, u lips dont have to move to talk and loudness is just how loud you want it, altho in a dream you could hear 2 DCs wispering from 100yrds away if you wished. Try telepathy your DCs are essentualy you so they can hear u no matter the volume
Next time I become lucid I’ll try to get somewhere light so I can work easier. (Things stick to me and make it hard for me to do anything so I have to remove them) I was thinking of something like “Voice in a bottle” to help me talk. In my dream I was gana try a voice pill, but I couldnt get my hands in my pockets