You know, I just started a new job today in a new restraunt/pub and the whole day I felt very seperate and strange and alienated. The people I worked with were all nice but I felt weird. I missed my old place of work and the people there.
SO tonight I can’t wait to dream. I have been, over the last week, trying to get lucid using various methods without any luck. Ive been reading about LDing and listening to tapes and blah blah blah. I think I’ve been thinking about it way too much. My dream recall the last few days has been pretty poor.
Tonight I am just excited to dream. I don’t care if I become lucid or not. I just miss having interesting dreams and waking up in the morning and thinking… “cool dream.” I feel at home in my dreams no matter what is going on and after my day at work I just want to relax, dream and have that feeling.
Wish me luck everyone. Good night and good dreaming.
I didn’t have a lucid dream but I remembered, like, four of them. Thats pretty good. They were all weird and wonderful.
I’ve been noticing that during a lot of my dreams I have secondary thoughts going on. I’m not sure how to explain this. Maybe I’ll pay attention to describing what I mean tommorrow morning and then I’ll come back and tell you what I mean. Suffice it to say for now that usually I have few thoughts going on in my head while I dream and lately there have been a great many.
Also, last night I had a dream I was in a library and overheard some girl tell her friend that she was going to check out the library’s lucid dreaming collection and I told her that I usually find that librarys are sadly lacking in material on lucid dreaming. Doh! Missed that sign.
I have to say… taking a break from consciously thinking about LDing is really giving me a boost in my dream recall. I rememered four dreams again last night and all pretty detailed.
To further explain what I meant about thought in dreams in the above post: I have noticed lately that I am having more thoughts in my dreams. I am taking this as a good sign and I think you’ll understand why when I explain. Usually in dreams thoughts are installed into my head from somewhere else… whatever part of me is relating the dream to me. For instance, I will know someone that I have never seen or how to drive a stick even though I don’t (I really do that was just an example). Frequently I will have knowledge that I don’t really have and it will come to me from somewhere else as a certainty. Well, lately in my dreams I have been noticing thoughts coming from me. If I see someone I know in the dream but not in real life I may think, “Where have I seen this person before.” Or if I see something unreal I may wonder how that can be happening. So far my brain hasn’t skipped over into being critical enough to recognize things as a dream at any predictable rate but I think its a move in the right direction.
Relaxing my lucid studies and efforts for the last couple of days has been great for me.
I understand what you mean about thinking for yourself while dreaming. Two nights ago I actually became lucid because I was sitting there thinking about what I was doing at my previous job. However, I can’t understand why taking a break from thinking about LDs would encourage this.
I’ve been actively thinking about LDs more than ever, and it’s working out great for me. I’ve read more about it in the last week than in the last year before that. I’ve downloaded more audio files and participated in more subliminal activities than I would have previously assumed safe . The point is, that this added attention has only rewarded me, I find.
I don’t know what to tell you except that when I was trying some WILD out and the suneye technique and trying to work with the Brain Wave Generator AND thinking about LDs as I was going to bed… I may have been trying to force it. I don’t know.
I have just started reading “The Art of Dreaming” by Casteneda and there was something in there about intending to dream… let me see if I can find the quotes here…
“Don’t try to force yourself to be aware of falling asleep. Let your energy body do it. To intend is to wish without wishing, to do without doing.”
“Accept the challenge of intending. Put your silent determination, without a single thought, into convincing yourself… that you are a dreamer. Doing this will automatically put you in the position to become aware as you are falling asleep.”
Whether you accept the reality of the energy body as Casteneda puts it forth or not, something about that made sense to me. I have been trying to be a dreamer, convince myself without an arguement. LOL… I don’t know if my method is any good or not but I will think to myself that I am a dreamer and then before I can start to build a rationality to myself in my head to try to convince myself that dreaming will come easily I distract myself by thinking of something else or turning my attention to the tv or something. As though I am trying to shift a belief that I may hold that I have to TRY to become aware of dreaming… without rationalizing it to myself. Heh… I’m not sure if I’m explainging it all that well.
Its an excercise that I devote almost no time to as I let it go almost as soon as its started and yet, the two weeks leading up to the point I started doing it, I was having a rough time. I was recalling hardly anything from my dreams and now I am remembering up to four or five a night.