the second one after starting to fade, revived it with rubbing hands, i was so close to waking up the buzzing was really strong, felt my self laying in bed then opened my eyes and was in my room. Went to mirror in bathroom because i wanted to jump through it, the dream before i saw a mirror and thats when it started to fade. Anyway before jumping i looked at my self and tried to yellow lucidity times a thousand but couldn’t yell, it got a bit clearer but woke up almost straight away and for some reason couldn’t be bothered trying to revivie it again.
This has happened in other lucid dreams as well, i have no troubles yelling in public but generally don’t like drawing too much attention to themselves as probably most people do.
And i had no trouble in the previous lucid dream of telekinetikaly with the use of hands picking up and slamming my brother into the ground from over 20 metres away, and no i don’t hate him, he was just pissing me off.
If you can’t yell, then maybe you should try to issue commands with your inner voice, maybe saying something like “voice times a thousand”
If that doesn’t work, there are still plenty of other ways to increase lucidity, like rubbings hands, focusing on surroundings etc.
well happened again, this time i said it not yell it and a whisper came out and i woke i’m pretty sure again at this point. i ended up touching a window frame and i could definetly feel everything getting clearer, just not clear enough for my liking allthough its the most lucid dream i’ve had so far.
when reviving an LD, does everyone usually end up in a room? twice now i have, both in my house, this time however after imagining a vast ice landscape ended up in a room with low detailed ice landscape wall paper then walked out a door into my house.
Just a guess, but perhaps you were already too awake for the stabilization technique to be effective. Sometimes when my dreams are diminishing quickly, I notice that I can’t see properly, or it feels like I can’t open my eyes or move my limbs. My conclusion is that I’m partially awake, and I’m actually trying to move my real body, rather than my dream one. Your brain might have already re-attached your real mouth?
i think i’ll scrap that method of increased lucidity and work on talking to some dream characters. I’m quite proud of my self with my ld last night, and absolute beauty of a woman walked past me and said hi and i didn’t hit it straight away .
funny thing was there was very obvious signs of my future, i don’t know about the woman she was pretty damn awsome haha.
By the way its not good to close your eyes in an ld right? i think i do this and come out.
Also my ld’s are always very short, i have chronic anxiety, would this contribute to me waking up anyone think.
Until you become experienced enough to maintain a dream with your eyes closed, I wouldn’t recommend doing it. The problem comes when you consider that the dream only exists while you’re experiencing it. As soon as you cease to retain at least some sensory connection to the dream, what keeps it alive?
You might not wake up, but it’s likely you’ll at least forfeit lucid control over it. I guess you just need to stay as involved in the dream as possible to keep it alive.
I used to worry when I tried to shout commands that I might wake up the rest of my family. Which is just stupid. I’m sure I don’t have my full waking ability for thought when I’m dreaming, even when I’m lucid.
Last night i created a dream character and they walked passed and said hi to me and also to one of my friends who didn’t happen to be there at the time to my knowledge. I tried to say hello back but nothing came out and i automatically woke up, same as with the other dreams.
I’m beggining to think this has a link to my now mild social anxiety.