So I was at All-A-Dollar (Or Just a Buck, or Dollar Tree, or whatever other stupid name they’ve changed to in the last week), and I saw this shelf of ‘herbal supplements’ for (you guessed it!) $1. Among the listed supplements was ‘Sleep and Relaxation’, and, being the dream-geek I am, I picked it up and looked at the label to see what was in it.
Now, I expected to see some B6, Melatonin, or something similar, but instead I found Valerian Root (Not a big surprise there), and Catnip. Now that one got me. At first I was like, WTF are they trying to do to people?!? Get their cat to climb down their throat in the middle of the night? Anyway, I left my money at home and wasn’t quite curious enough to go dig up some pocket change in the ash tray, so I didn’t buy it (not to mention an inherent suspicion as to the quality of supplements bought at All-A-Dollar), but I was curious enough to look up some info. Turns out catnip is a member of the mint family and is known to aid in relaxation (as well as relieving menstrual cramps, but I wasn’t overly interested in that particular effect).
Anyway, just curious if anybody actually uses it to help go to sleep at night.
BTW, here’s a link to the info on it: Catnip
Catnip has always been known to be very good at getting you to sleep. Put some in tea and it’s supposed to knock you right out! I’ve tried some in the past and I’d say it worked pretty well. Back then I was just trying to get to sleep though (what with my insomnia and all), so I can’t tell you if it gave me any weird dreams.
Cool stuff, right?
Oh, and I often put fresh catnip in my food. Don’t ask why, I just do. Kinda good though, and we have a plant growing anyway…
I think catnip smells very similar to valerian, maybe they work in the same way too? Does anybody know what the active parts of valerian and catnip are?
(edit) I forgot to add, valerian has the same effect on cats, too
Just checked up to see about it, and looks like they have the same effect, but aren’t directly related. Something about chemicals in both plants mimicking cat pheremones or something. I can’t think in the middle of the day, though, so I could be wrong…