How easy is it to meet up and interact with celebrities of your choice in LDs?
Say for example I wanted to jam with Metallica or have a romantic time with Angelina Jolie . Is it easy to arrange this in LD land?
Since many people say that they only interact with dream caracters that they come across in their LD instead of conjouring up their own at will.
What are some of your own experiences with celebs in LDs (sexual or otherwise ) ?
In a LD I had earlier this month, I decided to go out of the building I was in, so that I could look at the sky and fly. So I walked out of the room I was in, and down a corridor. To my big supprise a famous person was walking towards me from the other end of the corridor. The strange thing here is that the person was Britney Spears. I don’t even like her or anything she stand for, so why my sub-consious created her is beyond me. When I am going to try to summond a famous person it will probably be Angelina Jolie (funny you should mention her), and least of all Britney.
Anyway I stopped her and talked to her, but didn’t really find out what she was there for. I never got to look at the sky, but I did create a bunch of soda cans (don’t ask). I don’t know if it is hard to create celebrities in a LD or not, but I suppose it isn’t any harder than creating your friends or family.
oh man i want to try
Any time I LD, it nearly always involves my favorite actor. It’s easier to do this if, prior to bed, I’ve watched one of his movies or have otherwise had him “on the brain.”
The funny thing is I usually have to go “looking” for him. A couple of times, I’ve had to ask DCs where he is – I can’t just make him materialize out of thin air in front of me. I always find him, though.
However, in my most recent dream, I was in a stairwell and called out for him, and he answered me from the floor above. (I woke up before I had a chance to see him. )
Anyway … I think meeting celebs in LDs is largely a matter of mental programming, as is LDing in general.
Two days ago I dreamed about a conference, and the Bush-clan was also there. George W. Bush was even sitting at my table. Too bad I wasn’t lucid because I would have kicked him in the face as hard as possible
I have meet Allyson Hannigan, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Lene Marlin and Beyounce… I never created any of them, but they made me realize i was dreaming…
I’ve hung out with Dani Filth, Dimebag Darell, Fidel Castro (gave me the finger), George from Seinfeld, Zakk Wylde and Ozzy Osborne many times.
heh, i know what kind of music mrvanhalen listens to