certain areas of school...

never had a strange feeling about a place, but about freaking out while dreaming in class. . . one time freshman year in highschool, in bio, I had just fallen asleep, and I just popped into a dream where one of my friends looked at me for a second, then started to move his foot for my nuts. just as it was about to reach them, I jumped so hard my desk moved and everyone stared at me for a few seconds.

Maybe you have dreamt of this place with wierd feelings abound in your dreams before and when you see it in RL you subconsciously remember the dream with the same feelings.

This has not happened to me so i’m not really sure

hmmm… interesting theory. ^.^ anyone else?

Alex could be right. I know that I often have deja vu when something in real life lines up wjith something I had in an earlier dream, sometimes I won’t have realized I had that dream until that moment, then it all comes back to me. Sometimes, I just get the feeling from something but can’t really remember the dream.