Chakra Technique (very effective!)

I tried this yesterday and this morning. Yesterday it was more effective. I still, however, did not go lucid.

I was lying on my couch, I lay perfectly still for what seemed like an hour, repeating the mantra “I will know I’m dreaming”. It worked, I felt myself drifting off to sleep and then I looked at my “third eye”. However, my eyes started moving violently, almost like rapid-eye movements. I decided this was part of the process so I ignored it, but then parts of my head started twitching (I know, weird, right?!), and because my eyes were moving so fast, they opened several times. The same thing happened when I woke up this morning and then tried going back to bed. What can you do to stop this from happening?

Edit: I know you said your eyes twitch, but mine were going crazy, haha, don’t know if it’s normal or not.

Maybe I did it wrong, but I can’t be sure. I’ll try again today. I did get some vivd imagery, it might have been HI, but like I said my eyes kept opening, even when I was not looking at the third eye. I tried “quieting” my eyes down but that did not work.

Anyway, it seems like it’s working for a lot of people, maybe if I keep at it I’ll get it in time. Thanks for the techqniue, this is one of the only ones I have time to try. Gonna try it again right now.

I will try this tonight again.

Tried it before a few times but was never able to concentrate on my third eye long enough. My eyes became tired of twitching…