Changed your reality to explore lucid dreaming.

:wink: Years ago when I was traveling around Costa Rica a friend of mine told me about a couple she met. She told me that they moved here to explore their dreams. :sleep: (there night dreams not their dream of living in a different country :tongue: ) Now I find myself thinking a lot about that couple I never met. I wonder if they were LDer’s?
Question: Have you changed anything in your reality to further explore you dreams? :content:

Costa Rica is the #1 expat destination for Americans, cost of living is cheap, the locals are friendly and safe outside San Jose, weather is great (must love bugs), plenty of time to dedicate to “Exploring the world of Lucid Dreaming”

It it the #1 destination for expats but many who move here quickly find out it’s not what they expected and it is far from cheap anymore. The name lidybug is because I love VW bugs, and miss mine terribly (I do love Bugs too :tongue: )! I don’t work outside the home although I am busy raising my 6 month old daughter so sleeping isn’t always easy. :cry: When did you get so involved in LDing LucidNapper?