okay, so i’ve had quite a few lucid dreams now but i have a problem:
a lot of my dreams seem to be set in the same places and i can’t seem to change where my dream is taking place. maybe i am just not ready to do something like that and i just need to give it more time.
either way some suggestions on how to change your surroundings in a dream would REALLY be appreciated. how do you guys do it? :???:
I don’t know where I first heard about it, but what I call the “behind the door technique” works well for me. Basically, if you’re indoors, just “remember” that behind a door there is the location you want to visit. And then just open the door, and there it is. “Oh, yeah, that rollercoaster is right behind that door!” Etc.
If your outside, though I haven’t tried it, try hailing a cab or bus, and driving you to the next scene.
from personal experience, spinning helps me most. there is a high percentage that your scene will change this way… anyway Stephen LaBerge said so. It is true, everytime I have done it my scene either changed completely, or in a big way.
Just try it a few times and keep us posted, it should work for you. Good luck!
Hey there,
CCHawk just told you about spinning. Ir really works, and sometimes u can keep lucidity for a while. One time I tried spinning, and the scene changed so much that I thought I was awake (false awakening), and so I lost lucidity. So watch out.
Another thing that worked for me was closing my eyes. But u have to take care using this, cause one time I tried it and when i openned my eyes, I openned them for real.
Flying helps. Fly and fly, keep focusing the place u want to go. Sometimes u can get there. Maybe u won’t find exactly the place u want, but the scene will change.
And another crazy one, is going through objects.
Tvs, paitings, walls, mirrors. One time I could enter the tv and suddenly i was in the scene I was watching, as I described in “Quest for lucidity - Lucid Dreaming and Technology”…
In one dream i first could not find a mirror but there was tv so i tried to trough it which would not work. After searching for a while i lastly found the mirror and used it several times just too see where it would take me. sometimes i falled back to the room where i left but i jest kept stepping trough it again.
Try floating through the floor or ceiling. If you’re outside, try floating through the ground. Or, if you’re into flying, try flying so high that the scene becomes tiresome & your mind automatically creates something new to keep you entertained. The advantage of floating through strange mediums is that you’re focusing so much on what your doing, that you never know where you’ll end up