Changing Gender

In ND s I usually unintentionally start out as a different genderd character form a game or tv show. I have gotten used to it by now but in an LD I would still be freaked out. :woah:

If I’m of a different sex, I never notice until I wake up…

But I never truly know, I just FEEL like I’m a guy in my dreams.

A few nights ago I dreamt that I was a guy. I still felt the same I just looked like a guy…and I had a girlfriend…

most of the time (save one) where i am the opposite gender it comes very naturally, since in the dream there were FMs that it was as it is supposed to be

So most of the time it’s like “right, i’m a girl, no problem there” so i don’t even think about how it feels

Yea I dont really realise I am a guy until I wake up. It just seems normal. It was kinda odd though (and I should have realised I was dreaming) because I was standing in a empty bath with my clothes on.

:lol: i remember the two times i actually noticed

the first time i was overjoyed, actually, although i didn’t get lucid

and the second time i was creeped the hell out because i started off a guy and then transformed. A common reaction, i would guess

Yes, I did this two nights ago actually, I hated it so I changed into a gorilla and started ripping people apart.

I’ve never been able to in lucid dreams, only animals. It has happened in normal dreams though.

I once became lucid when I realized I was of the opposite gender. I decided to stay that way through the dream since I didn’t feel too different and it was something else to do in a dream.

I never quite got over it. I remember having a dream when I was younger. In the dream, I woke up (in the dream) as a girl. I groggily went into the bathroom, knowing something was unusual the whole time. I stared at myself in the mirror for about ten seconds.

Then I woke up (in real life) in the same position and circumstances as the dream, except I was myself again. But I still had the feeling of being a girl from the dream. It has haunted me ever since.

I’ve never really felt like a guy after that dream. I’ve always had that “girl feeling” (for lack of better words) stuck somewhere in my mind. Eventually I just accepted that I had a unique experience, and that I would always view things from a more ambigendered standpoint.

Even now I can instantly pull up the concept of that dream in my mind. It’s one of the only dreams I’ve ever had that I have complete recollection of in waking life. Interestingly enough, the only other dreams that I have that kind of detail of (without consulting my journal) all involve me waking up into a dream, usually as a dragon :woo:

Although it’s a little more difficult to bring the dragon feeling back. It’s a little further removed from normal experience than a change in gender…

Maybe you were a girl in a past life.

rofl i had a dream a few days ago, it was a ND, and my friends and i were playing football. one of em kneed me in the crotch, and it didnt hurt at all, i looked down, and well, freaked out. then i woke up, never so proud to be a man

Well I had sex being a girl instead of a guy. And I will not go into the details (feeling wise…) as that would be inappropriate because there are rather young people here but it felt real… But that can’t be cos obviously I have never experienced the girls way :'D Can’t really understand how you can imagine the feeling, it probably doesn’t feel the way I felt it for a girl :tongue:

something that i really am not comftorable talking about with friends (which makes an anonymous forum great, btw) is that sometimes I wish that I were a girl. when I first heard of LDs, this was one of the first things I thought about doing, but alas, after quite a while of trying, I have yet to achieve an LD. When I do, I know what the first thing I am going to do is…

:yes: i am exactly like that :razz: except i am a bit more comfortable with it now

Lol @ Rodrigo.

I’ve been female countless times in dreams, almost never purposefully, but if I could do it purposefully (which I most likely can) then I think I might do it every once in awhile. The best thing I remember about being a girl in a dream, was hot lesbian sex, involving me! :gni: Typical I guess, lol. :uptosomething:

Well I was a guy in my first LD :content:. It was kinda wierd but it was fun too :colgate:

I was female in a dream the other day. It was a strange dream where I had to find some sort of magickal snail to save the universe. And it was full of Final Fantasy like character with big swords.

The funny thing is that I’m pretty sure that I didn’t start the dream as a female, but I distinctly remember being one at the end.

i had a ND last night that i (more than once) changed genders, or at least changed the body part between my legs…it was really weird, ive also had dreams where its fallen off (im a guy by the way) and then grew back, or that ive cut it off and then it grew back…