Changing the visual style of the dream (ie. cartoons)?

(Not entirely sure if this is the right forum for this…)

I’ve had dreams before that took place in an “animated” or cartoon sort of style. Now I’ve never had a lucid dream like this, and I was wondering if any of you regular LD’ers have ever thought of or tried doing this on purpose? As an artist this idea intrigues me, that you could create and interact with a dream that looks like a painting, or a comic book. Dream sculpting, kind of.

Any thoughts?

great idea… certainly something to look into…

my personal feeling is that the way to acheive such a thing would be, once lucid, to visualise a cartoon on your inner screen.

From there you would enter the image, by gradually expanding the size of what you are viewing, and becoming part of the scenery.

It would be more difficult to simply change the scene you are viewing into a cartoon, I believe.

i like your avatar btw… the wolf is a wonderful animal!
bye now, explora

i’ve had some wierd cartoon dreams. like a week ago, or something i had this Futurama-dream. i was this Leela and i had a skiing competition with Fry. the dream wasn’t wery clear, and i dont remember it well. it was confusing and i like normal dreams more…

hadn´t had much time for this forum the last days, but now I am baclk.Some nice things to try now (tea and spiral-messages) :smile:

Anyway,back on topic:

At the ending of my last LD the whole dream was suddenly in comic style.But I didn´t enjoy this very much, to me it was like a sign of instability.I think this happened to me before, but I don´t know what it is like when intentionally done.


I’ve thought a lot about this myself, because I’m a fan of japanese anime and I really would like to see a dream wich is a cartoon o_O

Sephiroth, if you have enough time, just one or two of your anime videos right before getting to sleep, perhaps this will help.If you got a computergame in anime style, play this for some time, could work even better.
I suggest to do this late in the evening, so that you are tired enough to fall to sleep fast


You could try turning on the tv expecting to see a cartoon and jump into the TV. :grin:

Thanks, I’ll try to do this every day from now on :content: