Wow… this thread just grew two pages while I was gone.
Ah, Tribemaker. Your knowledge on theoretical physics just from what I can see in your post seems very keen. I just revisited M-theory… two months ago…? On the Science Channel - they were exploring the possiblities of parallel universes. It was quite interesting the debate Hawking and other physicists were having on the matter of whether information is ever lost in time-space… I agree with you on Einstien’s Cosmological Constant, by the way. (I sent a PM, so as not to stray too much off topic.)
Thank you for the encouragement on the LD, too. I did not LD, but I did have an interesting dream where I became intensely angry/jealous towards Talon… In fact, now that I think about it… the past two times I attempted a CALD via Harley/Rouge’s help I’ve had a Talon-related dream…
To answer your question regarding my first time at lucid dreaming: no. I’ve experienced a handful of lucid dreams actually - the majority of them being very low-level lucids. I only ever remember two lucid dreams where I actually felt lucid; the first one lasted for mere seconds, but in a dual succession. The second I actually controlled for thirty seconds or a minute - I flew on a Swiffer Sweeper, Harry Potter-style with some family I didn’t know, but felt familiarized with… So I know that lucid dreams are real, and that I am capable of experiencing them… it’s just a matter of it… happening. Thank you again for the encouragement ^^
Hmm… Normal human characters with normal human names. When you progress more with your characters I’m sure you’ve already arranged to inquire them about their preferences? At least, that’s what I would do… Of course, if you consciously created your characters this could be a deciding factor. Not always, but when I create characters consciously, their names are considerably more prosaic compared to my dream characters. Some names are only ever properly pronounced within a dream. (“Venu” for example - you can read the beginning of my DJ if you’re interested in that name’s origin. The name “Deauchana”, however, was never actually pronounced as it was scripted, but the “omniscience of the dreamscape” instills you with the knowledge of how to pronounce such exotic names…) It seems I can never think this creativley while awake, though… at least when it comes to names. You know, I think it has a lot to do with how the mind works in these altered state of consciousness. I was spaced out/tranced when Harlequin/Moulin Rouge/Malook[a] - (Yes, she just adopted another name while I was typing this) - named herself… And “Venu” and “Deauchana” were chanced upon whilst still in REM sleep. I don’t know if that helped you much… Please ask if you need any clarification.
As for appearance, Malook[a] pretty much has a “normal” appearance. (If you mean human, then, yes - normal.) I mean, her eyes are beyond what I’d call normal, being an amalgam of many different colors - ineffable IWL… I’ll draw her picture for you guys later, though… She likes to change her hairstyle quite often. And her clothes. She came to me in a shadowy near-invisible form when I first encountered her, though. (I described her on here somewhere…)
Well Talon, Malook[a] is interesting… I’m sure… but I really haven’t had the pleasure of experiencing her personality on the same level as when I first encountered her. Even then, I couldn’t see her…
“Harlequin”, “Moulin Rouge” and “Malook[a]” are the only names I’m comfortable using at the moment because they’re the only names I feel she’s personally told me. (Especially “Harelquin”…)
(I think she may have created an island metropolis called “Bukomari”… Not sure what the name means, but I’d love to join her there in an LD. It’s like… a carnival island beyond anything Walt Disney could have ever imagineered in his wildest dreams ^^ Like taking all of your inhibitions and desires and compactifying them into a delirium-charged omega point of inexhaustible energy…)
Don’t be sorry, Talon ^^ You’re so busy on this thread, it’s quite understandable. Just take some time to relax and post as little as you want to.
As for tonight, I have school tomorrow. Which means I have to wake up early to do my homework… I’ll probably just ignore lucid dreaming techniques completely for tonight. Perhaps I can perform reverse psychology on my SC… or Malook.