Character Assisted Lucid Dreaming - CALD Part II

XD That’s great! Awesome progress!
I am overjoyed to hear of this! ^^
The other’s know, but most are sleeping right now…^^
The character chats have made Alice happy a bit…? That’s great! ^^ ~ I am so happy that this seems to be working-- And perhaps I shall just relax about the replying process, rather than quit it all together…?

Thanks much… your progress has made me very optimistic…^^

With hope,
~Talon! ^^

(Takone woke up…he’s still sorta drowsy but he’s happy to hear the ‘hello’ )

Havn’t checked this thread in a while, it has grown big :eek: . Hopfully with promising results, Havn’t had much time recently to interact with my character. I been rather preoccupied in thought.

^^ No worries-- take it in time, just when you can… no need to focus too hard on it-- all things come in time! ^^~ Thought can be so much more inviting and indulging at times anyways…

And definitely yes-- so far, good reults have come from this… Tribemaker has made a variation to CALD which works wonders for him! Infact, I am going to try any and all variations ever made of this technique from now on…

As for the size of the thread… laughs I think I might be one of the only who aren’t so intimidated-- I’ve watched it grow and grow, it makes me so happy!~ ^^

With joy,
~Talon! ^^

Allright everyone. Time for that status report.

Tried modifying this tech for dream recall. It worked. I remember dreams now lol and my DJ is growing larger. Also, I have been working to have normal dreams(never could I have imagined it being so hard to have normal dreams…) so that I can notice recurring characters and such. It was Jon that inspired me to do so, saying that maybe we could do RCs with this CALD and BILD variation to make it truely unbeatable. Jon and Mandy have lots of ideas lol.

As far as Jon and Mandy, we have been getting closer and closer. I would have asked them where they got their names and chosen appearances from, but I found out. When I went lucid and met them for the first time, something felt familiar about the appearances that they chose. It felt like I had seen both of them before somewhere. Then it hit me.

See, last night I was watching that Extreme Makeover: Home Edition because National Treasure was on commercial (boy was that movie unrealistic) and I figured that I’d turn the channel until it came back on lol. The team was making over the house for a family that started a camp so that kids with HIV and AIDS could have fun, a nd get away from the discrimination that they shouldn’t have to face in the first place.

Anyway, they were around a campfire sharing stories about themselves, until a suprise guest came to sing a song from her latest album. I never would have thought that Mandy would have taken on the appearance of Mandy Moore, but go figure. Well, at least my Mandy dresses Celestian and not American lol. That suprised me, to say the least, seeing as the last time I heard of Mandy Moore was seeing one of the movies she acted in (movie was good, but the book was better lol). Oh well, that was Mandy’s choice to take on the appearance and voice of Mandy Moore, and I’ll stand behind it if she insists (which she does lol).

Then, Jon’s appearance hit me. I turned on my iPod and played Switchfoot’s song “Learning to Breathe” and it all hit me. Jon had taken on the appearance and voice of Jonathan Foreman, the talented composer and singer. Now THAT one should have hit me a LONG time ago, seeing as I am an avid fan of Switchfoot’s music. That was embarrasing to let that one slip past me lol.

Well, that covers the status report. I finally found out why my characters took on the appearances and voices (and names) that they did. Of course, I had different ideas for their appearences and voices and names, but it is their choice and I support it.

Still flustered from not seeing the obvious of my character’s personas…

Speaking of progress~ ^^
tribe’s variation is working for me too! ^^
I had a nice lucid last night~ Long, and exciting :D~

I am glad to hear you got the origins down on your characters Tribe! ^^ It’s cool… You shouldn’t be upset at not finding them fast-- you barely made them a few days ago, it takes much longer for some to find THEIr character’s origins… ^^ i like they are very observant in the IWL to pick these bases… ^^

With joy,
Talon~! ^^

Ok, so I decided to try this interesting technique to see how well it worked. So I decided to dig through my dj and find a dream charectar suitable for this project. I did, so I meditated and found him in a room in a hallway in my head. So I knock, he answers, we talk, he agrees. Two days later I section off an area of meadow in my mind for a living place. By last night I had a library, his house, a stadium with rockwalls and those thing you run and jump over, a dojo, and a park. Anyway, I decide to set up a gateway between my dreams and the mindscape, so I make a circle out of what look like small bushes with five large trees positioned inside at the points of an invisible pentagram. Each of the trees start glowing the color of a different element while the ‘spirit’ tree glows white. As that was happening, a door started materializing: frame, door, then handle and it was done and I had a (hopefully) successful dream link. Then I felt My charectar behind me, but I also heard a second voice. It said “I will help you, but you need to learn how to lucid dream by yourself first” I turn to look at him, and it is a person that looks like gaara (from naruto) and he turns to my charectar and says “you need to try harder to learn to be in his dreams”. Finally, he turns back to me and says “I have to go, and you need to leave from here and go to sleep”. He disappears in an explosion of sand and I find my self back behind the blackness of my eyelids. :eek: Also, I didn’t even conciously think of him, he just showed up. He talked with a deep, slow voice.

[color=red]AHHHH AHHH AHHH~~ Dies in fangirl flames
SQUEEEEAAAAAAAAKKKK~~~!!! -lovelovelove-

____ EEEEE~ [/color]I have been attacked by my fandom for Gaara… oh gosh… faints I swear I have every thing there is to collect of gaara (with the exception of some cards and a certain pin…I have 3 garra plushies…@___@)

I have died for a moment-- forgive me-- cries I love him so dearly that the idea of having him anywhere close to 100 meter radius of me in any dream could make me explode upon awakening…@___a


^^ You have such an interesting way of imagining things! ^^ your little world seems ideal, and calm~~ ^^ So wonderful… I very much like your gateway, and you have wonderful progress since you’ve started so soon…~^^ I can tell you’ll have a positive result in the end at least! ^^~

What is your character’s name if you don’t mind me asking…?

With a love that is strangling me painfully~~,
~Talon! ~^___^~!

Yeah, gaara is awesome. And I attribute it to my obsession of naruto (the show, which is the only tv i watch, and all naruto-runs-away fics), but half of my dreams have charectars from naruto in it (for the past couple of months). Kiba, my charectar, was my first though. He came before everything else, and was my most vivid DC, so he was my best choice.

And thanks i guess, all of my mindscapes are calm and peaceful. And I guess you can tell, but I love nature so most of that stuff reflects it, for example my char’s house has a huge tree in its center. But now I’m just rambling.

Wolven Deer

XD It sounds all very wonderful-- you are very lucky to have characters you enjoy in your dreams-- ^^ My dreams are so generic, it leaves me little fandom to squeak over (besides the startling appearence of a few characters involved in Kingdom Hearts…once or twice…)…I pray you have great sucess! ^^~

With much hope for your prosperity(spelling? O-o;;)!~ ^^

I have to say, Shatter, I am DEMANDING that I have an LD tonight.

Shatter: I know, I want to LD too. But I get distracted…

Why not do something to keep yourself not distracted?

Shatter: YES! I will do that then?



cough cough prosperity is the correct spelling, you were right cough cough


Well wolvendeer, it didn’t exactly work the way I expected last night either. Actually, I am embarrased. Mandy said that she had been making sure that I had been successful before, but she asked me if I minded if she just dropped the suggestion that night, just to see how it would go and how observant I was.

So, I wake up for WBTB, but fall asleep again almost instantly because I was so tired lol. I didn’t even get to talk to Mandy before I fell asleep again I was so tired. Anyway, I didn’t even notice haivng fallen asleep. My dream was me, laying in my bed, really tired lol.

Then my alarm clock’s radio suddenly started playing. Now normally I would forgive myself for not noticing this and going lucid, but what the radio said makes it impossible to forgive myself for not going lucid. It said:

"“Welcome to the lucid dreaming tutorial station. There are several ways to induce a lucid dream, such as MILD, standing for Mneumonic (I think that’s spelled right lol) Induced Lucid Dream, or WILD, which stands for Wake Induced Lucid Dream. Now, seeing as you are dreaming right now, as we speak (*slaps self in face :wallhit: *), I will walk you through WILD to help prove it to you. Step 1: Relax completely until SP sets in. When it does, and I will know, then I will continue.”

In my dream, I decided that I was too tired to WILD (like I even needed to WILD with the radio TELLING me that I was dreaming :wallhit: ) so I rolled over and went back to sleep… :wallhit:

Well, at least Mandy now knows that I need her lol…without her it was nothing but being angry over missing obvious dreamsigns lol :angry: . Oh well, that sums it up. Mandy’s making sure I succeed tonight YAY.

Other than that, Jon decided to take a different path. He seemed rather bored and taciturn (hope I spelled that right, it means doesn’t talk much), so I asked him what was wrong. He said that being a character wasn’t fit for him, that it bored him. I expected that, giving them such individuality, so I wasn’t too upset. Now Jon is the governor of the city sector of Celestia, at least I get to see him at night. Losing him wasn’t fun, but I am not crushed or anything. Now Mandy I am really close to, if I lost her I would be a wreck lol. But Mandy assured me that she would never leave me because being a character was the most exciting experience she has ever had, and that she wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Well, that pretty much concludes my incredibly long post (or would it be a novel at this point lol).

XDD Why not give him a goal to do, like creat his own little mini-world before he gets you lucid…? XD
Just a though~

Joyfully yours,

~~^^ Hehe, thanks…

Mmmm~ I am sad to hear Jon left, Talon is having doubts about Character existance as well-- ^^ But Mandy seems keen enough! :D~
XDD Don’t be fretful about the dreamsign, we don’t really need to pay much attention when we’re dreaming, so no big deal! ^^ It was cool your dream offered to teach you how to lucid though, since you could probably make that a dream radio station you try to listen to every night when Mandy wants a break… ^^~ Then you can do the radio-in-dreams luciding! XD

I’m glad to hear of the great system you’ve set up–
Are you planning on creating any other helper- characters to help Mandy out?

Happily yours,

[Progress report!]

^^~ Well, I am having at least 1-2 lucids a week with this, so that’s nice! If I can, I think I’ll have Ghost go tell my sub to know I want to go lucid this night-- that I DEMAND it!

And I think that my characters who I have now-- are all adapted for roleplaying, stories and art, (Ghost and Talon are a bit deeper but) none of them are so comfortable with the whole dream intrusion thing!
So i figured I’ll go find some nice music that moves me, and grab a character concept, place him/her/it within the Mindspace/sub barrier and meld them to the gate–
Their sole purpose will be just to have me lucid, and I won’t bother giving them a history, just purpose and let them know their birth was then.
We’ll see how that goes, as a creature of some sort has been lurking within me, some character of inner workings-- she/he/it has been awaiting it’s creation since I had the idea to create a character from my internal clock…O-o;

But yus… Luciding has not been effective since Monday morning, and I believe this captured essense may move me in the right direction-- who knows? Purhaps this soul-less visualization of my inner-workings could prove to be an effective ‘character’ for CALD techniques, because personality crashes can get in the way…?
It kind of crashes along with the way I treat most of my characters though-- eek

What do you guys think?

Curiously Yours,

Well, I do think that creating a “soul-less (for lack of better term” character is quite brilliant. If Mandy didn’t take care of that for me, then I would do the same.

By the way Talon she doesn’t want a break yet lol. She said that she is just curious about the human mind, and I believe her. She wanted to see the boundaries of human awareness during dreams, because she read about it and was curious. She is VERY observant and loves learning, the way she picked her origins shows us that lol. Whenever she does decide she wants a break, then you are right, that radio station will be gold lol. Like a backup way to go lucid. Thanks for the idea.

Don’t be sad by the way, Jon didn’t leave my mind entirely, he just left his position as a character because he wanted to have a position in my dreamworld. Personally I think Celestia will prosper with him as the governor.

EDIT: Sry I didn’t see this in your post before Talon. Mandy has the full power to create new characters if she wants, I gave her that power. She has almost as much control over my mind as I do. If she wants to create helpers or companions, then she can and will. Of course, when I asked her about it, she said that she didn’t need helpers to do such a job, and that I was companion enough for her. She said that I am a better friend than I realize. Ahh well, if she says so. So, in conclusion, she can create a character if she wants, but she doesn’t want to yet. She may in the future, you never know lol.

Hmm, Talon, sounds like your characters are very specialized. That is a good thing. I see you are referencing Talon (your character) again. Are you two getting along better? I hope so.

I think your new character idea will rock for CALDing. Personality crashes…hmmm…I really don’t know if that could get in the way. Jon and I never had a crash, we just came to an understanding, no hard feelings anywhere. Mandy and I have never fought, she is so nice and forgiving. She accepts me how I am, and I am grateful for it.

I guess that if personality crashes can get in the way, then you may indeed not want to impliment a personality lol. I guess that’s up to you.

Well, that caps it lol. Mandy wants me to tell you all that next week, starting Sunday, I won’t be on LD4ALL for one week. I’m going to a retreat for a week. It used to be very fun, but with Mandy it will be a blast. So, Sunday through Saturday I think (I haven’t read the exact date, it usually lasts like 5-6 days), I won’t be near a computer to comment. I will be here until the end of Saturday though lol.

Talon, hope your new character turns out well…

falls over laughing :rofl: Sorry, that was just the funniest thing I’ve read, (or heard,) all day. :happy: Though I probably shouldn’t be laughing, I haven’t had an LD for 4 days straight, (and dang it I was on a roll too, :ack: ) I want your alarm clock! steals :plotting:

lol I find it funny too, now that I look back. lol… And that alarm is mine lol. It might prove useful in the future lol. Rubs hands together and smiles evilly

Cool! ^^ I hope that you enjoy your week away!~ ^^
Talon and me have gotten along… a bit more, it in her log in my journal D:~!
And thank you for your encouragement about the who soul-less idea ^^;~ I hope the ‘character’ will be useful-- I must keep in mind the character clutter, if he/she is too bothersome I must erase them.
I am glad Jon hasn’t left-- ^^ I understood he left unto a dream plane, but I felt bad that hye was no longer a mind communicator-- and Mandy is very kind to be so nice to you-- ^^ you have good characters within you! ^^

Have nice a week!~

lol I have several days till the nice week starts. Trying to get me away that quickly? lol just kidding

Eep! >< Sorry! I misread I suppose… I am multitasking…! Agh, how I fail at such things…