Huh, never thought of that.
Tsi’leik: Although star wars is not too far off the mark, my name actually came from the movie Avatar. I’m a na’vi
Yes, and both movies/series were awesome!
Morph: to Tsi’leik Ah, then that means both you and I have head tentacles then! So do Twi’leks for that matter.
Skaith: Visually impressive certainly, but I thought both sides were hit over the head one too many times with the stupid stick. The same goes for Star Wars now that I think about it…
Aiden: to Tsi’leik Hey cool! I’ve been thinking about becoming a Na’vi too lately!
I love to read your thread, it’s so interesting and insightful, and
I’d hate to interrupt you, but I have a dream character mystery I think you might be able to solve.
For as long as I can remember I have had nightmares about Beetlejuice. surely you remember the cartoon right? the intro scared me for many years. Lydia calls Beetlejuice’s name twice and a haunting close up of his skull appears on screen, a spider crawls into his stunted nose and out of his decaying ear. his eyes flash open revealing large yellow bulbs with large red veins and small beady eyes. then his dark purple eyelids narrow menacingly at my four year old body, huddled in a fetal position on my grandmother’s couch.
I remember dreams where I was in my crib hearing Beetlejuice in the next room over talking about how He’s going to get me. the majority of dreams with Beetlejuice were nightmares, but some were great dreams where we were great friends; still I would pray not to have nightmares, and when I had them I assumed I had done something wrong and prayed for forgiveness. I had many nightmares like this until I was 16 and somehow we decided to be cool with one another.
Soon after I began to enjoy my nightmares with Beetlejuice, they are always strange and creative.when I started learning about lucid dreaming about a year ago I was immediately curious about what I called Beetlejuice actual was. I’ve only had a few lucid dreams, but contacting Beetlejuice while lucid has been a real task. I have used Beetlejuice to get lucid by asking the night before, but when I tried to get to him the dream ended, and It’s happened many times.
Has this happened to anyone else?
Wow, things have really been developing! I haven’t given any real attention to Lucid Dreaming sites (LD4all especially) for the past year or so. We’ve mostly been doing our own thing here with a lot of help from a family member involved in the Cognitive Neuroscience scene. He’s been out of the research loop for some time having practiced outside his field for so long and I haven’t actually gone and explained CALD (or brought up Lucid Dreaming at all for that matter though he is familiar with it) yet, but he’s still managed to topple some of my most cherished beliefs and point me in unexpected directions. We’ve been productive, just not productive HERE, so sorry about that and I’ll try to avoid being lost in the couch again!
Teraflare you’re amazing for doing this MP3 work and thank you for going the extra mile with trying to balance size and length and content and epicness in general. I’m sorry, I can’t remember if I was around to greet you when you came along (whether it was before my time or during my hiatus) so hello and thanks for existing! You too Ninja, and I hope your time with CALD is as rewarding for you as it has been for me!
As for your question Grayscale-Blush, if you don’t mind a bit of input from little ol’ me, I had a very similar problem finding my characters during Lucid Dreams for a long time. Summoning and teleportation are two things I’ve always struggled to accomplish so I tended to have no success. What I found worked for me (Though as with anything to do with Lucid Dreaming nothing is guaranteed to work for everybody) was that the more I focused on them OUTSIDE of dreaming, just carrying out conversations in waking life whenever the opportunity arose, the more they came along in my dreams unbidden. It’s like I got so used to them being around on a day-to-day basis that they hung around while I was dreaming as well.
For example a recent dream featured my first physical interaction with Kimor. She was in an unusual form and made me Lucid at the top of a huge warehouse thing. We jumped off of it together and I maneuvered onto her back in midair. We flew together for a little while before I woke up. Afterward I did a quick sketch of what I could see of her form alongside the dream journal entry. I used none of the familiar induction techniques (MILD, WILD, WBTB, ect.) but in the weeks leading up to the dream I had been talking to Kimor often during the day. … lummet.jpg
The little limbless thing is what Kimor normally looks like. This dream was striking because it was the first in which I’d ever interacted with her directly rather than just talking. It’s something I’m all too happy to repeat. Speaking of her form, the reason I didn’t draw anything but the front is because quite frankly I couldn’t see anything else. We were side by side the whole time so all I observed was her head, neck, back and one front foot
Uh…kinda off topic for a moment, sorry. Anyway just sharing what I’ve experienced about that problem (Or at least a similar one). Do what you will with it I guess, and I hope you figure out something that works for you!
Thank you for the info Phi.
Carrying conversations outside of dreams have been interesting and unsure experiences for me, because I haven’t delved too seriously into channeling. I often see Beetlejuice’s body transforming in my minds eye and feel his emotions as an answer to my inquiries from waking life. Most of the solid information I can gather is from the emotions I feel, the same goes for my spirit guide. I don’t see him when I ask a question in waking life, but his presence is clear and I also hear some words if I relax enough. I can only assume this is normal.
Thank you again
Wow. LD4all, you didn’t tell me that people were talking here. >[
@ Ninja: That’s some task. I only got to three or four. They are very insightful, though. Maybe my next project can be doing a summary of the CALD threads. Welcome to the thread. If you have any questions, we’ll be happy to answer them.
@Blush: This is one question that I can definitely answer, if I’m understanding it right. A quick note, whenever I would have a bad dream when I was young, I got rid of it in a rather simple way. One of my first sets of characters were two wolves who hung in a tapestry on my wall. I unconsciously turned them into characters and then dubbed them my dream guardians. Whenever I had a bad dream, I would ask them to get rid of it before it could come to haunt me anymore, and I would never have that dream again. They proved to be quite effective, and they even helped me later on when I was having a dispute with one of my characters.
As for meeting [well, any DC really] in a dream, I have much experience with this. I tried unsuccessfully for over three years to meet Crystal in a dream. I tried all manner of advice, none of which worked, until something that she said got me thinking. Next time I had a lucid, instead of just trying to summon her again, I focused my efforts on breaking the dream reality’s hold on me. I figured that on some level my mind was still holding to the laws of reality, so I did something to break that. In this case, I jumped out of a car flying down the interstate and landed unharmed on the ground. Then when I tried summoning her she appeared like it was nothing. Of course, the dream immediately faded, but my initial goal had been completed. I tried it next with another character, and while I didn’t wake up, I lost focus and became un-lucid. The best way to avoid waking up as soon as you complete your goal is to stay calm and avoid being excited.
Now, if you have troubles getting lucid like I do, Phi’s advice is pretty solid. Crystal and I have problems with it working, but we’ll sort it out soon, just like we sorted out the last issue with me summoning her once lucid.
As for talking to them while awake, it is all a matter of concentration. Most of the time I just go by emotions like you, or I’ll hear a reply in my own thoughts, even though I’m only half here, if you know what I mean. I don’t see them unless I’m specifically trying to.
Best Regards and Good luck to you all,
Extraordinary Wolvendeer,
Turning a tapestry into a sentinel. this story now confirms the power I thought I possessed over my dreams as a child. I stopped having nightmares for some time after I faced Beetlejuice in waking life, in an imaginary conversation. I should have known the immediate connection between my waking imagination and my dreams.
Last night I spoke to Beetlejuice outside of a dream. you are right, concentration and confidence are the keys for me. I asked him if he could talk, “I could always talk.”
“Than why didn’t you?”
“You never asked.” Typical.
He created a few frightening images in my minds eye which I enjoyed, and a few really funny ones. he also asked me to draw a picture of him from a nightmare I had long ago as a child. In one dream I was in a small mall. The sun was setting though some nearby windows and no lamps were lit, only the orange twilight lit my way. I turned a corner towards some steps and went down a shallow flight. there was a large descending staircase made from gray stone with lamps of fire leading the way, even though blue light shone through by some unexplained source.
I was scared and tried to go back up the stairs, but a black iron gate had been placed in front of the stairs, locking me in. I continued to look down at the steps. I can see three levels down, the last of which had a cold blue stone floor with the torches outlining all of what I could see; I knew Beetlejuice was there. I called for help but everyone was gone; I stayed frozen on the steps for perhaps a minute, then I woke up.
Last night Beetlejuice created a detailed Image of him on that bottom floor playing a piano and asked me to draw it. I now wonder if things would have been different for me had I summoned the courage to decent the staircase and face my fears, but this experience was so cool I’m not sure I would want to replace it. When I finish the picture I’ll post it… somewhere.
And the Dream reality’s pseudo-physics is really annoying; I fly like the Hindenburg.
Thank you, and sorry if this was too off topic.
I wonder: can using a conbination of daydreaming and your MCs (Ive adopted mecha’s acronym) influence the structure of your dreams? For example, if you want to incubate a dream, I could, for exanple, daydream that i was running through a forest being chased by some animal (maybe a panther) and enter a clearing. I turn around just as the panther pounces. I hear a thud, and see an arrow appear from the panther’s shoulder. My MC (who ís an avatar/Na’vi, whichever you perfer) steps out of the shadows with a bow in his hand. He then tells me I’m dreaming.
In order to make this work, and it still might not, as it is only a theory and has not as of yet been tested, the daydream must be as vivid as you can get it. It should also have an element of the dream that is interesting and/or exciting (hence the panther example), and not just boring ( you wouldnt want to choose doing homework/paperwork as the plot of the dream, unless doing those activities is the most exiting thing you can think of). You also need your MC in some point in the dream to appear and remain with you, not just simply have s/he pop up, tell you youre dreaming, and leave. And, of course, the most important aspect is having your MC convince you you’re dreaming.
@blush: Can you elaborate on what power you thought you had over your dreams as a kid?
I thought that my actions during the day would determine what kind of dream I would have at night, mainly deciding whether I would have a “good dream” or a nightmare. If I went to sleep facing my wall directly beside my bed I had a good dream, but facing my room I would have a nightmare. If decided to have a nap during the day my sleeping position would have an inverse effect.
I also would always sleep with my bible to keep nightmares away; thus came the idea of sin creating nightmares.
No matter how many times this system proved itself I always doubted it on some level.
And Ninja, I’m a tad confused my the term MC; what does it mean?
That seems like a good idea. Maybe I could try that with WBTB. I have better visualization skills when I’m extremely tired, so it might not work as well if I try to do it while I’m falling asleep.
Short for ‘Mind Character’, to help differentiate them from ordinary DCs or SGs. (although there’s absolutely no reason why a MC can’t also be a DC or SG as well)
Thank you Mecha.
If you decided to have an OBE could you contact your MC like you could in a Lucid Dream?
sorry Blush, mecha beat me to answering the MC question. Also, as a modification to the theory/technique that I’m working on, you also need to have your MC visualize it also. Note: It is VERY important that both you and your MC are 100% ready and willing to do this. If not, then dont attempt it untill you are, as it will have negative affects on its outcome. The point of this technique is to help your MC out. It seems prety unfair if you do almost no work short of the regular induction methods and your MC has to do it all. As a tip for the visualization, slow and steady does win the race. Think of the scene as if you were a game designer building a world. Imagine one aspect at a time, build a model of one tree in your mind. Once its done, populate the area with that tree, and your mind will actually do the hard work for you by creating each tree slightly differently, instead of looking exactly the same. Then move on creating as many objects as you want, saving your MC and other moving people or animals for last.
Blush, I have no Idea, I have no experience in that area.
Wow…I’ve been away for ages. Haven’t forgot anyone, though. Cool to see new faces around the CALD topic
As for the file…let’s see if I can tie up loose ends tonight, and upload it. Where should I upload it, I’m not sure how to do that, lol.
Had an interesting experience with my mind characters. Basically, we were sent into a time warp, and during the ‘years’ we were in the time warp, a group of mysterious people began working on something called the ‘Utopia Project.’ It was their plan for the people living on Eternos to live in a high-tech, futuristic setting so people can live their dreams. It only felt like we (me and about 10 billion other people on Eternos) were there for a few days, but it turns out they’ve been working on it for 300 years. I was stuck in the warp for an extra 6 months, so my characters have settled in, whereas I’m still warming up. When I first arrived in Eden (the name of the utopian, futuristic city), I was astounded to see the growth of technology. I went to spend my time touring the 50 mile city; and it turns out you can travel miles using hyperspeed tubes. I went to the Dream Park, where there’s a futuristic arcade, and it has an amazing atmosphere at night (it was evening, but not dark. Haven’t got that far yet). Eden is fully protected by a group of guards known as the Public Safety Regiment (or PSR for short), so there’s little to no chance of intruders/criminals. I haven’t met up with my characters yet, but I’m sure I’ll find them soon.
It’s weird - I know I’m IN the city, but for some reason when I visualise it there’s barely any detail; just the detail that it important (e.g: Hyperspeed Travelling Tubes). I just can’t visualise the panorama of the buildings, or the path I’m walking on, while walking past futuristic areas. Maybe I should find some pictures for inspiration, or I should gradually build up areas that I think look good.
It was an incredible daydream scenario though - I look forward to see what my mind comes up with next.
To visualize it better, try this: The textures and lighting are two of the most important things. first determine how bright the overall thing is, then go into greater detail; what shadows to the lights cast? Dont go into too much detail, as your brain can only absorb so much. Then move on to textures; even simple things we take for granted like concrete should be visualized. Then put the lighting and textures together. The sky counts as a texture; is it starry or blue with wispy clouds? If you hit a dead end, describe the scene using adjectives with sensory detail as if you were describing the scene in a novel. When your virtual 3D scene is complete, walk through it as if you were invisible to give it that 3D quality. As a last step, hit the “play” button and add movement to the scene.
Wow, there are so many people reading this topic and not bothering to post. People, dont be shy, if you have questions and/or comments, post them! Do it. NOW. You know you want to. yOUu wilL PoSt iN tHis ToPIC!!
This is some excellent Information Ninja, I’ll be sure to use this.
Can you clarify something for me? These visualization techniques, are they for WILD, WBTB, CALD? How do you use them? How can you use them? What are the limits (sorry if that’s a stupid question)?
Thank you again
Right now I have discovered I have developed character of my own long time ago.
I thought I am crazy or something, but I talk with myself. A lot. But… second me has completely different opinions than me and … well gives me different point of view at various things.
I had no idea how useful for lucidity it can be.
I’ll try that soon.
First of all, 100% not a stupid question. I would do the visualization techniques before bed after a talk with your MC. Remember, you and your MC are supposed to repeat the visualization (after youve gotten it as vivid as can be) probably 5-10 times, but you can do it more if you want. You might also add in a mantra (eg I Will dream about insert a few words that summarize the visualized dream). In a way, youre doing MILD, but with video and instead of saying i will become lucid, youre incubating a dream. Once youve done all this, it will be up to your MC to plant that dream in your SC. If you do the same visualized dream every night, then the chances of succieding will incerease geometrically. Then you may attempt your normal induction method.
@Eloge: Give it a face, and youve practically got a complete character! Now you can skip the whole creation process and head straight into having intellectual debates with yourself and inducing LDs.
Sorry for the double post, but If youre going to try this CALD tweak, post youre resultsm because I have horrible recall and cant tell if it worked.
As a summary of this CALD tweak, if I’ve been confusing you with my scattered posts, The object is to Induce a dream through visualization and (optional) mantras. Once the dream is very vivid, it is repeated over and over inside your head as if you were watching a movie 5-10 times. Then your MC will help plant the seed of that dream into your SC for you to increase your odds dramatically.