Wow, that’s all so detailed. My worlds are always simplistic so that I don’t forget and end up changing something without realizing it.
now i feel obliged to give my first progress report.
Tsi’leik is progressing quite nicely with a character of his own. he’s fully capable of holding his own in any logicall or philisophical debate i throw at him, although he did get a little lost when he was listening to a debate my mom and i had over what would encompass a 4th dimension (yes, im fully aware that einstein says its time) and led to my personall conclusion that infinite dimensions exest and that the total amount of energy stays constant, but only per dimension (no, I wont go into it or elaborate). I have overcome my barrier concerning visualising himm and i can now see him quite clearly. he usually just makes himself nice and cozy in whatever part of my head he stays in when not on pandora (he’s of the Na’vi race from the movie avatar) exept when he “takes the day off” to visit pandora and his family (one day i watched him hunt from the back of an ikran, and let me tell you, no experience is like it, that would be a really good thing to do in a ld). He is fully aware that he is a figment of my imagination and reminds me at times. Id say he initiates 50% of conversations throughout the day and is extremely talkative, yet calm and serene at the same time.
teraflare, were you dreaming or just visualizing the scenes with the dragon and stuff? PS: if you had an automated turret defense system, then dragons and insurrectionists wouldnt be a problem.
as a tip for visualizing your city: try looking at some pics online of futuristic cities. Thats how i overcame my mental block of visualizing Tsi’leik; i looked up pics of avatars. if you have some video, even better.
I was just visualising the scenes, I can never seem to enter Eden during a dream because it’s so vast and detailed.
A turret systems sounds like a brilliant idea. I should suggest to the PSR to install an automated turret system to Eden. There’s not much action in Eden though, but ever since (apparently) I was put into the city, there has been a lot of mysterious things going on. I think it might have some to do with that mysterious man and the spear…
Brilliant, I’ll try to find some images of futuristic cities so I know what to roughly visualise. I’ve looked at some and they’ve helped a bit, so looking at some more should certainly improve the situation
Thanks Ninja.
I came back to Eden from Erehwon with Hyperion and others. “The Minotaur” destroyed the Ice Gate section of the city, but now he’s gone away and he won’t be back for some time. Currently, the repairs for the city cost alot of money (125 Million Edonites, the currency for Eden), but most of the city is still in good shape. Over the last few days it has been quiet, as me and the other 3 PSR Soldiers were chilling in the Dream Park. I plan to visit another place on Eternos, though.
I had a LD last night, it was because I dreamt about school, and each time I hear the word school I do a RC. As soon I remembered myself in school, I did a reality check and then came lucid. I managed to make a room appear bigger by leaving and entering again, but I didn’t go to Eden because itwould be really hard to visualise fully, and I would be disappointed with the lack of detail (it’s not finished. I tried when I didn’t have a clear image, and everthing turned out horribly wrong). Best to save it for another LD!
i have a theoretical scientific explanation behind the CALD technique NOTE: I have not as of yet conducted enough resarch on this to decide wether it is a likely explanation. when I do, I will post my findings.
Parts of the brain can be designated to preform certain tasks, for example, if you ride your bike enough, it becomes habitual. Language becomes so deeply engrained that you even think and dream in your language. and the act of walking, and even just standing, over time becomes such a part of us that we take for granted and forget just how complex it actually is.
Its possible that we designate a part of the brain to carry out the process of having your MC talk and function. When it seems that your MC is “thinking on its own” it could literally be doing just that.
Again, I need to do more reasearch on this to determine if it is a plausible explanation.
on an unrelated subject, I had Tsi’leik assist me in relaxing for a WILD attempt by hypnotizing me (youre feeling very relaxed, and that kind of stuff), but I fell asleep because I was too relaxed. The good news was that I had a LD because of it. The bad knews was I did nothing interesting in it apart from test which RC works for me and if I can taste food in dreamland (which I can, yay). I forgot about meeting Tsi’leik . I think That might be a good way to induce LD.
Teraflare, what are CALD mantras?
I just did some reasearch on my theory.
Read this article: … 00415.html
It appears that when engaging in a conversation with your MC, one half of the brain is your MC and the other is you. Plus, If your not talking at the same time, then whomever is talking would probably get to use 2/3 of the brain.
Along with talking to my characters, I repeat a phrase (the mantra) over and over in my head, similar to the MILD technique. It goes something like: “My character(s) will make me lucid” or “My character(s) will tell me to do a RC” etc…
It goes along with the CALD technique when I sometimes drift while trying to daydream a scenario.
I managed to find some futuristic city images. Some are really inspiring, and they would help me build some more cities, instead of Erehwon and Eden. I plan to perfect the main details of the two cities, and then I’ll begin building another one.
So, I had a really weird dream last night. Everyone who regularly posted on this topic quit CALD because they got 2-3 LDs every night, and it was so regular it was boring (supposedly). It was creepy.
But I know one thing - the CALD technique is sinking into my dreams
Ninja, what a coincidence! In order to try and help me fall asleep (chronic insomnia) one of my characters, Lairuna, has taken to using hypnosis as well. We still haven’t tried our CALD/WILD yet (Sorry Talon!), but it looks like you two might beat us to the punch.
As for the article, It kind of looks to me that they’ve focused entirely on executive functions and ignored unconscious processes. Had the subjects involved been asked to perform a third task that didn’t require conscious attention, I think the researchers would have found a less precipitous decline in their subject’s accuracy. An excellent example was brought up in the comments of your article about pipe organists, who, as described by the poster, “…have to read at least three lines simultaneously and use both hands and BOTH feet independently.” You could argue that this example only encompasses two tasks: Playing an organ and reading sheet music, but that seems to me like saying the study only included one task: unscrambling words. The point is that if that third task was something the subject could perform unconsciously, the brain regions involved would be different than those performing conscious tasks.
I also kind of want to contest their association of MPFC with the brain’s reward systems, but that’s off topic so I’ll let it be for now.
For a little more on the brain region they studied, the information in this article is helpful. It illuminates the conclusion reached in that study by explaining that the activity in the ventral medial prefrontal cortex (the bottom orange highlighted area in the picture from your linked article) was delegating work (allowing the subject to occupy themselves with the tasks) while the dorsal medial prefrontal cortex (the topmost orange area in that image) was paying attention to what was being done (allowing the subject to recognize a difference between the two tasks and not get them mixed up).
The reason I bring it up at all is that by and large communicating with a character starts to become unconscious and automatic after a while, which I think brings it out of the scope of this study after a certain point.
Of course, this is based on my own study of anecdotal evidence. It’s not like I have a fMRI system at home that I’ve been tossing people under. If I’m wrong or misinterpreting something then for the love of all that is good please throw it in my face. Take the opportunity to gloat a little too, I know I can sound kind of condescending.
oh no, I completely agree whith you. My first post even mentioned what you just said. What I meant is by repeating the process of talking to your MC, i becomes unconcious and when doing deep confusing debates with your mc or when your m expresses an opinion, only then does it use part of the “thinking” brain, and still not that much. So, your MC is mainly just subconcious processes, exept when doing higher level thinking.
I’ve just started a thread in the Lucid Lab on CALD self-hypnosis here:
So I did misinterpret, I’m sorry. Looking back over your post I feel a little embarrassed over mine, it didn’t really contribute much.
I’ll be sure to take a look at your CALD hypnosis experiment though, that was a good idea. You can definitely count me in as a tester, I’ll hand over the info to you in the thread right now.
That’s exactly what Saichania did early on. (and still does!)
Yes, Hopefully he will quit soon.
GUESS WHAT! I used the CALD self-hypnosis thingy that I made over in the Lucid Lab forum, and it got me Lucid in NREM sleep! Has that ever happened? Anyway, I think NREM has completely different rules than REM does, I went back and forth inbetween the dream and WL in a type of Limbo, and none of my RCs worked even after testing every single one tons of times. I couldnt control anything no matter how hard I tried, and yet I was still sort of Lucid. You can read in a bit more detail here: [ .
By the way, It would be appreciated if you guys participated in the experiment. The more the Merryer
The world isn’t ready for Crystal to appoint herself as my conscience. When that happens look for me on America’s Most Wanted.
Also, I’ll see if I don’t have some time to join in this week on your experiment, ninja.
I would appreciate that greatly.
I’d definitely take part in the experiment, I’m interested. Although, I’ve never WILDed before so it could be new/frightening to me. I’ll take part, though.
One of the PSR Leaders wants me to explore an area underneath Eden. Apparently mysterious works are going underneath.
Before, I met a girl while I was in Eden. We are now friends, and she told me that she was close friends with the dragoon knight. She also told me that he wanted to destroy Eden. Maybe that’s what the “mysterious works” are? Maybe the dragoon knight could have something to do with the Minotaur and his crew?
I’ve asked the PSR to install a turret system. Currently, they are finding money for it, and asking a donation to citizens for their own safety.
Yer, my futuristic city was inspired by sci-fi. I am also interested in futuristic things, and I think a futuristic city would be really cool to explore.
The turret system is up and running, to prepare to see if the ‘Dragoon Knight’ attacks. I’m yet to find out whether he has anything to do with the ‘Minotaur.’
In one of my LDs; I tried to get to Eden but since it isn’t complete, it was really hard to visualise so I couldn’t get there
I just got a good idea: next LD, use one of those futuristic holographic port able computers to map out the structure of Eden. for example, If I was trying to make a futuristic city, I would do this: form an L shape with fingers as if they were 2 sides to a screen. A holo screen appears and then maybe remove your fingers and a floating rectangle screen appears. stretch it with hands to make the screen bigger, and to zoom, do it like you would with a ipad/iphone. you can then do tons of computer generated mapping of buildings and terrain. to make your life easier, you can say things like: computer, populate region, or, computer, texturize. Its really hard to explain, but again watching many sci-fi movies will have it. For example, Iron Man has it when tony stark is designing the Iron Man suit. when finished, maybe say something like: “computer, finalize” to add rhe finishing touches, and then grab onto the virtual hologram, and toss it frisbe style up unto the air, where it will extend your render of Eden out to full scale, and then lower to ground level, and you will be in eden. Its hard to explain, so do your best. It can be done visualizing, but in a LD it would be more realistic and is less difficult.
That’s an awesome idea! Creating a futuristic place with some imagination. I’ll have to try the holographic idea next LD. I’m currently in the middle of a LD burst (I’m having lots, and they’re quite long and stable), so I’ll try that out. Thanks again, Ninja!
Hopefully I can keep Eden stable.
I’ve practiced stabilising, and I managed to fly for 5-10 minutes without falling. I’m happy with that, and now I’m aiming for a long LD in Eden.
In my daydream, I had a vision of Eden in the future…but it was completely destroyed. I’m not sure what it meant…I told some of my characters, and they told me not to worry about it. Hyperion replied: “There’s no point lingering over scary dreams. You’d best focus on Eden.”
cool, good luck with your quest type thingy!
hmm, it may be a good idea to make a visualization tutorial and FAQ, but I have no Idea where to put it and what the proper permissions are. could someone help?
A few nights ago I had a non-LD where I was in this building, and inside was a small model of a futuristic city that you could actually climb around in. It looked vaguely like Eden, but I’m not 100% sure if it was.
Also, that night I managed to DEILD. During the DEILD, I went into SP and during SP I felt like the dream I had just woken up from was continuing around me, but I couldn’t move. The HI I got (I had my eyes closed) was of the dream, and when I opened my eyes slightly I could see things in my room, but they looked really distorted and began to melt. I could see the scenes happening even with my eyes open (hard to explain), and eventually I hopped straight back into the dream. I lost lucidity though.
It was an accidental DEILD because I didn’t realise I woke up. Next time, I know what to do!
As for the FAQ, I’m not sure where to post it since I’ve never wrote one. I could help once I’ve finished constructing Eden…