Character Assisted Lucid Dreaming - CALD

Forgive me for posting here but this is an interesting idea. Glad the character chatter is over though that got annoying :content:

I wish I’d known people like you and the others who posted in this thread when I was younger. I think I was the only one in my school, possibly even the state, that had any imagination and created comics, stories, and worlds.

I am working harder on creating stuff and exploring my worlds before I die.

I always, or nearly always, dream of Aragorn from Lord Of The Rings. Why he appears I dunno. But he has become a dreamsign. Dreamsign is a technical word from us old timer Lucid dreamers.

While reading your thread I thought of asking him to help me get lucid. In fact I thought of it earlier this morning to try to incubate a dream with him in it and use MILD to remind me to become lucid when I see him. But asking might work also.

PS: This thread was very inspiring. Why I like LD4all and Dreamviews is because it proves that I am not the stupid person I was always told I was. You have no idea how nice it is to know other creative people exsist.

Well i’ve started the school (it’s weird but the school i’m actually creating is nothing like an English school, more like an American one, Like lockers) on my planner ( :tongue: ).
Since a toddler can draw better than me :spinning:(), I might use computer programs to make it, things like google 3D. The best part about it is that I can show it easyier than scanning or taking a picture of it. Also, if i can get to grips with other 3D applications (Blender) I could model out my character to show too.

Yeah sure, I’m intrested to see what your characters think of the forum and the people. It may seem weird, but you’re making it sound more appealing to us who can’t do it.

Also, just looked at the picture in your signature. I was actually pretty close to what I thought Talon looked like. Wasn’t expecting the long ears though lol (If she’s reading, I don’t mean any offense).

do your characters help you with school tests? :razz:

I would have to agree with him, I love the cheesiness off how they filter out noise in audio (If they need to listen to a conversation from a noisy room). Like you get the ‘cool’ dude at the PC saying ‘Yeah, I’ll just filter it all out’ Then when you listen to it, it’s a crisp-clear high quality version of what they were saying. It’s the same with matchng fingerprints, It’s as though they have everyone in the world on record o-0.

Haha Thanks ^^ The chatroom’s been moved, I will update on that!

Naknus: . . .

Thank you very much for the compliment… I apologize that Talon and everyone else were annoying while I replied. I will make sure I don’t mention them any longer in this thread. :3
I am sure that this will lead to good things, I am happy you are going to interact with Aragorn. Thanks again!


XDD HAHA Thanks! It makes me feel better that someone likes the chatter from them, though it annoys others… so if you’d like, you can go here:
To the thread where Talon and others chatter. If you want, ask em’ questions, it helps me know them better, and may help you, I don’t know. Maybe even just be interesting. I look forward to the 3d image, I hope I get to see it one day! The school seems to be turning out well…

By the way, Talon was not offended, and Naknus agrees that the audio-filter is idiotic. As well as the zoom-in from the satelite pictures, as “pictures from that distance couldn’t possibly have that sort of high resolution. It’s un-realistic.”.
And… YES My characters, infact, do help me with tests.
Generally only Naknus though, he helps point out huge flaws I am about to write before I write it, and Talon helps me memorize things. All I have to do is remember the number of things to remember, and she mentions them in my head as I count them down. :smiley: It’s cool.


You know, this whole topic makes me think about “The Seth Material”, by Jane Roberts and Seth. Plus, some other stuff I’ve read…

About how whenever we think about something it’s instantly created. In a way, once we think about something it becomes reality in another dimension, even if we consider the dimension of thought. Dreams are included in this. They continue to exist even when we’re not dreaming. In their own dimension, but they do.

So a character being created would make sense according to this theory.

I’m looking forward to having several LDs and deep talks with Samuel, a char of mine.

You know what? What you’ve just said is exactly how I feel. I have had that belief for the longest time, since I was 10, at least. And that post you just gave, made me even more sure than ever in that.
Thanks very much!
I wish you long, and happy chats with Samuel!


Ah, I’ve also happened upon something similar, Rodrigo. But, this was actually an alternate understanding of a quantum theory on the Many-Worlds Interpretation, basically stating that every thought we ever conceived, now conceive and will conceive branches the universal timeline to the infinitum so as to allow every possible outcome to every event define or exist in its own “history” or “world” via, not such a complexity as quantum decoherence, but mere thought…

I don’t know which I’d prefer, though; the classical understanding of MWI, or the alternative philosophy? Theoretically, the classical understanding would strike more harmony… But ultimately it doesn’t matter because, given the nature of infinity, everything and not will come to pass, eventually. “Everything” because there is infinity - “not” because therein lies infinite possibilities.

Given the immeasurable vastness of the universe (though, I’m speaking generically - it could very well be a multi- or omniverse), it’s seemingly inexhaustible energy and what little we really know about it, I’m willing to entertain the theory. Presuming it is true, I think it’s comical in its own sense… we’re basically incompetent, novice gods - if that’s how one would define a “god”.

Then again, it’s just a theory. A very ambiguous one at that. It makes me recall this quote for some reason or another: “Quantum mechanics… the dreams that stuff is made of.”

Maybe I was skeptical at first on the prospect, but now I’m actually very interested. Impossible is nothing, right? In that case, I’ll ponder this “phenomenon” and actually test it out. I believe something else was holding me back, though… who to choose first? I have a large assembly of characters I have pre-developed for story purposes, and even though I select favorites at times, I sympathize with them all just the same. I guess it sounds pretty silly…

I think I’ll start neutral and select a recent DC. Taking the time to design a new character afresh would not only take an unnecessary amount of time, but probably further complicate my dilemma, thus only perpetuating the initial problem.

No. A preconceived DC is not only more convenient, but it also does not put me at odds with my other characters. I can focus primarily on the actual personality of the DC and not my own prepossessed thoughts of a long-established character, thereby destroying a significant amount of inclination to “puppeteering”.

In fact, I think I might work with two characters… one male and one female. It’s nice to have an opinion from both sides. I’ll begin with one - to see how well the exercises proceed - then I’ll follow up with the second DC soon afterward. I’ll look through my DJ now to determine who I’m going to choose…

LOL!!! I just rememberd that. You see the ‘cool dude’ at the PC once again, using some mega mega telescope to zoom into a window from orbit.
However, the military do have pictures that good, They can read car registration plates from orbit, but the local police department… nah lol :tongue: .
Also, in that thread. Can I ask your characters questions? I dont actually have a character at the moment but i’m intrested to see what your characters goals and ambitions are.

I was thinking that using the CALD, you could ask the Characters to help remember your dreams, Or even set your own biological alarm clock.

I also thought that things we create or dream might become real or exsist in another universe. If this is so then you should be careful about murdering or nightmares where you are raped. And if you create characters you should be careful about what you do to them if you do believe that they do suddenly have a life, a reality in another universe.

And this sort of magical thinking isn’t new. The Ancient Egyptians thought that the tomb paintings were important because the food and the workers and dancing girls and musicians and such would all become real in the afterlife for the king.

Many years ago I started writing my afterlife in a three ring binder that now I don’t have. I think my current writing and creating of the dreamship world is another attempt at crafting an afterlife.

I think I’ll think a lot of positive thoughts from now on for myself and everyone :content:

And I am sorry if I ofended you about your characters talking was annoying. It was only annoying because I was so entrigued, sp?, by your ideas that I wanted to read what YOU had to say on your ‘tutorial’.

This should be in print.


I’ve just about finished Designing the Enviroment for my character’s home.
I’ve started on a character, before i started to draw her (Terribly If I might add) I built up on her traits and her past life, She is based off someone I used to know, however she dissapeared a few years ago, I never saw her again. So I thought i’ll base some of her admirable things onto my character. I basically did brainstorming to come up with it all.
Name: Annalei
Age: 18
Traits: Dedicated, Caring, Likes to help, Strong on her beliefs, Very emotional, Happy but wounded Deep down.
History: Her family were killed in a Car accident.

I’m not actually basing my character’s apperance on the real person I know off, but i’m using her personality.
I’m still drawing her at the moment, once i got past the Face, I kinda got carried away lol.

EDIT: Well, I’ve completed my drawing, Better than I expected actually, now I’m unsure on how I should procced. When I talk to her, Do I do it visualising her? or do I just say it in my mind and she can hear me? Also, would picturing her in the enviroment (The school in Mazarti) help at all?
I’m gonna try talking to her tonight when i’m about to go to sleep (I seem to daydream better then)

Wow… very interesting…:smiley: You’ve made me think quite a bit about all of this… O-o; You have a very good point about the DCs, though… Puppeteering is no issue with something created so automatically in dreams, it all comes together in an instant…

PLease update on you progress here when you do…?

Sorry for the late reply~

Wow great! ^^ Would you mind finding a way to post the picture? I’d love to see it… And I find it wonderful you’ve gotten so far in her character, endearing that you based it off of a friend! Well, you can talk to your character however you like, as long as she hears you and has a way to reply back. With me, I visualize my characters in that blank space I go to when I think (mindspace) and then I speak to them. It’s not vivid, and I don’t literally visualize their faces or anything, just their presense in mindspace works. You can just, as you said, summon her to a place where it is comfortable to talk, and then do so, or you can put her in an enviroment to talk to make it more likely to go there… All your choice!

Thanks very much! And so sorry for the late reply!


Wow, cool-- I didn’t know that… Naknus thanks you for the information, by the way! ^^ And OF COURSE! You can ask my characters any questions you like… what they won’t answer I will :D.

HAHA funny you should mention, I’ve used CALD to set my internal clock before, but I asked Talon to after a small fight… and she woke me 30 minutes early (even though I slept LATE! >< )…GRAH. So instead of 5 minutes before the bell… 35… >< I aked Talon to help me remember my dream as well… It was more of a nightmare, and Talon probably did that after our spat… sigh I don’t remember where I posted that, but I think I did… XD I also ask them to design my dreams… Naknus’s favourite colours are blue and purple, so my dreams from him are generally those… XD

Hope to hear from you soon!
Sorry for the late reply!

Oh? Oh I wasn’t offended! Just concerned I made somebody upset or nervous. People tend to be sensitive about subjects like this, but clearly now, not those from LD4ALL ^^. Thank you so much for that, though… You have made me much happier today by relieving my small amount of distress from that XD. Do you really think this should be in print? I talked to a university student lately and she says that this sort of stuff, and my thinking process could be writen as a “Thesis”. I didn’t know what a thesis is, so I asked and she told me it’s like a new type of knowledge written down like an essay for university…

Eep, ramble… But thanks much!
I am happy you shall think happy thoughts for us all!
Sorry for the late reply! ><;;


Yawn …It’s late.

Talon, I doubled-back to read through your tutorial, and it looks more or less like the methods I use when developing characters for my stories… And, the “writing technique” for dialogue sounds like the phenonemon: “automatic writing”…

(I’m really trying not to be so skeptical on the subject, but part of having an “open mind” is analyzing something from many perspectives.)

The way you describe how characters will “speak” to you sounds like allowing for free-form thought almost… Now, when communicating with your characters, how vivid is their voice supposed to “come to you?” In the same clarity as normal internal monologue? Or at a higher frequency? That is predominantly the area I am having difficulty understanding - if you gave them “life” how can you be so sure you are not the one supplying the answers to yourself? Is it just a feeling? I believe most people here are probably having trouble grasping this particular aspect.

Other than that issue, I’ve selected a DC to establish. Thus, Steps 1 and 2 are complete. No real trouble there. Because of my choosing a DC, “personality” in Step 3 has been foundated, somewhat. Step 4 I can grasp, if not limitedly. Enacting scenes in my mind is easy… the communication is very ventriloquistic at the moment, though. Half of Step 6 is easily taken care of, being that my character is a DC, specifically, the first division of Step 6 is automatically accounted for. I believe my only problem here is relinquishing my character of her “puppet strings”…

The entire process for me actually took no longer than a day once I chose my DC, which means I’ll be exuding the majority of my effort into giving her “life” of her own; i.e. automatic communication.

Also Talon, if you don’t mind, could I request a tutorial on this specific excerpt from your post: “Characters can be useful when the issue is something personal, or something only you can do. You can confide in them, and use them as ways of expressing yourself, whether it be in drawings or stories, or just someone to rant to when no one else is there. They can help you go lucid, or keep your stress down, even encourage you to do that one thing you’ve always been too embarrassed to do, but that’s an entirely different tutorial.”

I’m interested to know the full potential of these characters…

Hmm. well, I was talking to her all yesterday afternoon, night and a little this morning. I havn’t had much of a response when I ask her a question, Like I say ‘How are you’ I can’t really pick up any response, so i just fill in the blank with a ‘Yeah I’m good thanks’ So far, I’ve heard something or a response randomly, Like I was listening to music and suddenly i heard footsteps as though they were on a stone floor, It couldn’t of been in my house and nor the music, It was really clear too.
Also, I was looking out my window and i saw a woman walking up the street, and I suddenly heard a message in my head, It’s really hard to explain how I picked it up. but she said said something along the lines off ‘So, why is she so hot?’ and I was like ‘!! Who said that??’ And I wasn’t even thinking of my character at the time, I was pretty preoccupied :tongue:

What is there left to do? Do i keep talking to my character until i get a few responses? Also, what about the sound of their voice, is it a message? I can’t remmeber how my character sounded, it sounded more like a female talking. Also, do your characters speak the language/Accent as you do?

You’re welcome, thanks and good luck :smile:

Woot… My comment generated a series of really interesting ones…

AngstyBoy, your post made me feel like I was reading the book again :razz: Anyhow, I suppose the whole “incompetent Gods” idea is pretty interesting, and correct. If you consider several cultures, such as the one of Shamans and such, they believe we have an “Inner God”, mostly related to the SC in some cases, but to the mind itself in others. Both have creating powers, in a way, I suppose :smile:

By the way, guys, just a side note on character creation. Don’t try too hard, that’s the idea. Samuel just showed up while I was in class. I wasn’t even really thinking about him or the idea of characters, when I look at an empty chair and visualize a man with black clothes sitting on top (!?) of it. I tried naming him, and “Samuel” was the first name to show up, so I sticked with it :happy:.

Well. I’m not the best drawer, and I know it sucks but heh. I got my webcam out, Don’t work either, Crashes every 10 seconds with a blue screen about USB debug :confused:… So in that 10 secs i managed to get a shot

I know! It’s crap but I have a better mental picture. :razz:

Also, sorry for the lack of quality.

Nice drawing that.

This is really cool, ive gotta get me some characters made up. :happy:

Do they actualy talk to you in WL! Self induced schizophrenia = AWESUM!! :razz:

I have very few LDs at the moment, hopefully this will help.