NYAH! I have been asking for progress reports from everyone, and so few from myself!
Talon’s Progress Report
It seems as though I’ll have to switch characters a bit, Talon and me have been getting into fights nightly, over all of this “using her as a tool” stuff-- She’s honestly offended, because at one point, we were still the one person, she was my alto-persona. (Scary thing is, SHE was the nice one!) So we haven’t been getting anywhere-- Even if I get her to agree,… I can feel she doesn’t mean it!
We came to the conclusion, that we could go back to the way of thinking “We’re two halves of a whole”. For a very very long time, I had Talon be incontrol of my mind, as it was a very chaotic time in my life. She helped me make the rather ‘mechanical’ way of thinking I have now, then slowly I took control of what was within and without me. :D~ Is without how you use that?
So anyways, after a bit of contemplation, I think I’m going to go let Naknus and Talon go live in Aria again with the others. I’ve been keeping them in mindspace because I didn’t want them to get too involved with the other less-developed characters. I was wrong though, Talon is much happier being around her boys, and Naknus is happier being where his books are. :D~ So instead, I’m recruiting Takone and Ghost everynight, as both are fairly automatic already-- just not to the level of Talon and Naknus. And maybe it’s better that way…Besides that, they’re much nicer and they more readily agree to things.
It seems when I ask Talon to help me go lucid-- As a sort of revenge after our arguments, she gives me unpleasent dreams. Otherwise digs up memories I had never really expected to encounter in sleep! I can at least tell that she did it because dreams SHE designs are in warm colours, all of the colours in the dream tend to be beiges and other warm tones. While Naknus’s tend to be more in the cool colour range.
I’ve also found that because my clock is set 30 minutes ahead, and I percieve it as the normal time (when it’s not) and I ask Talon to wake me up–
Instead of waking me up at the REAL time, she wakes me at the time it says on the clock,
E.g: I ask her to wake me at 7:45,
She wakes me at 7:45… On the clock! And since my clock is 30 minutes ahead, it’s really just 7:15!
Ah well!
So lesson learned: Even if the characters seem ideal-- Personality must be taken into concideration too! Otherwise, it might not work!
With much hope for CALD’s future success~