Character Assisted Lucid Dreaming - CALD

hey Talon you should start a DJ here

It will please me

I actually had forgotten about this little Schizophreniawesome!

but hell, i’ve already got like 3 sets of characters to pick and choose from

The concept of giving them free will astonishes me, and it makes me fill with glee, especially when i think about a particular set of characters.

Amazing what the mind can do, eh?

Well as for my dreams-- I am very happy with them :3 they may be interesting and exciting to me, but is not comparatively creative, nor is it entirely captivating since it’s more personal than not! XD
Mmmm…“Harlequin” I rather like it!
I usually go with the first name that sticks well for my characters-- but those are conscious characters–
I Have also named a group of DCs I’ve known for awhile, and have had no troubles referring to them as what I have…
I really like the name though~!

My opinion means nothing, though, if that isn’t her name…
But I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t mind if you called her that until you’ve met her again…Right?
Her name and nature being so ambiguous and all…

Curiousity Infinite~

Yes, the mind is most definitely amazing~!
…But… Should I really start a DJ here? I could just post my CALD-relavent dreams to show my progress… But I dunno!
Do you think it has much value past amusement…?

^^ I am happy the concept of giving you characters life is interesting!
It makes me truly happy! :smiley:
Please post prgress, if you chose to follow this route!


Actually Talon, I’m particular to the name myself ^^ And I had planned on referring to her as such until I met her again in an LD.

But… maybe she may be - homonyms ^^ - one of the category of dream characters that are professed by multiple names… She may not even possess a real name and just self-names herself on whim.

(I had the inclination to say “asconced” which is not a real word. But I think now I will give it meaning… Or is this “Harlequin” thinking again?)

XD Well-- Alot of my-- no… all of my characters have names that came randomly-- they need no meaning… :smiley: I feel it more personal when it’s like that anyways… XD
It would be funny if she just self-named herself… perhaps, then, just call her what you like XD
You wouldn’t want to be switching names on a constant basis of course! Since that would be terribly confusing and befuddling… XD

I hope something sticks soon! XD
~Talon :smiley:


I have just seen this, and am reading it with quite an interest. I see that it would be quite benificial to have a character like this. It is great for keeping you company when you are lonely. I am lonely alot, to this would be nice. Thank you so much for letting me know about such a wonderful thing.

I have a thought for 2 characters in my head. I already have their physical likenesses, and starting dress style down. I figure that if they would like to change their dress stlyles to something different later on, then that would be fine, and encourage individuality, which I want. I would like them both to be independent, and to develop their own personalities and opinions.

Tonight I guess that I will start talking to them, and feeding my own opinions about other people and such to them, and encouraging them to form their own opinions about everything.

Also, I would like to know your opinion on this. Would it be wise to give them power in the lucid dreaming world? I know that I am very new to lucid dreaming, and that having two experienced characters that are helping me control the dream and optimize the experience would be helpful. Also, I think that this is only fair. If I get the power and control in the waking world, then I think that they should have power in the dream world.

I know that this would require me to have good relations with these characters, and results could be very bad if they get mad at me. Of course, I plan to be good friends with them at all times. I plan that it will be a three way friendship, where everyone has something to offer to the others.

Of course, giving them power in the dream world is only a theory. I thought that I would run it past an expert like yourself (Seriously, you know your stuff. Please tell Ghost that I really like his silent wisdom approach. Thanks). So, how does my idea seem to an expert like you? Should I give them some power, or keep it to myself?

With many sincere thanks and high hopes for the future of CALD:

AWWW You are so sweet, and I am so happy to see your interest in it… You’re definitely right, characters can help very much when you’re all alone… it’s so good to have them about. :3 You’re so very welcome, by the way-- I have posted this to my great joy that people rather like this-- I love the progress you’re having… Outfit changes are a definite fun for some of my characters-- they just don’t like being in the same dreads all the time, y’know? :smiley:
It’s very nice of you to offer them so much freedom and choice-- I love that!

Your ideas to give them power definitely sound nice… however-- always make sure you can keep them under control if needed, benevolent characters can be of infinite help, they generally can help the process of dream powers – Takone helped me with summoning with his moral support…
XD While I am far from an expert… (you’re so kind, I’m flattered by that…) I can say that the idea sound very nice, and that I support it, giving them power will be good for aiding you in CALD lucids… Just keep in mind you must at least have enough power to bring them back to order if needed-- as you are very correct, things that are very bad can happen otherwise… Besides that, I encourage you to continue! You’re doing so well, and your optimistic attitude is so great! I love it very much :D~

By the way, I told Ghost–
Though he doesn’t speak, he can write notes to communicate!

He told me to tell you:

Ghost: " Thank You. "

^^ Thanks very much! If you are interested in talking to Ghost ever, you can definitely chat with him awhile in the character chat thread~~! :smiley:

With much joy and hope for success in CALD~~!

It would seem the people that visit this thread often are - among other things - presumably lonely, harbor an openness to new experience and seem to predominantly have a [natural] inclination toward the opposite gender as their character(s)…

Talon… I think my DC did self-name herself. I just want to make absolutely sure - in an LD. I don’t have a problem with multiple-aliased characters, though. I’ve envisaged characters that seemed to want multiple names, and I’ve had no problem referring to them as such. (e.g. I have one character that I is an amalgam of multiple sources that I refer to as Sephy/Puff - actually saying, “Sephy-slash-Puff”… I feel comfortable calling her by both, actually.)

“Moulin Rouge” comes to mind now… Moulin Rouge? The movie? (Which is one I’ve been meaning to finish watching. It’s been postponed by six years… From what I’ve seen, it’s a stunning visual picture.) So do I call her “Moulin Rouge” now - “Moulin” or “Rouge” for short?

XD Well-- Perhaps, but it is no bad thing to be open to company. Having a creative outlet as well as a companion can be very beneficial, even for those who don’t feel that way.
And opposite gendered characters, seem to make sense to me, as it would be an entirely different way of thinking and would be more enjoyable to some to spend time with. :smiley:

As for her name… perhaps call her what ever comes to mind for yourself, and refer to her as “shadow” here? Just to avoid confusion… but I still love hearing her names! It’s very nice, and she has such exotic names…

I Really love her much~! ^^

I have to say, when I first saw this, I thought it was just a little bit odd, and couldn’t imagine it working for me.
That’s probably mostly cause I’ve never really had a DC appear in many dreams, except my dragon, Lazer (but he doesn’t talk much)

I think my SC like it though, because in a state of vivid HI the other night, I briefly saw someone walk by, and I heard their name. Jarken. Oddly, I felt a connection, so I chased after him. Then I came back to being fully awake, and wrote the name down. Since then, I’ve heard very brief chats between him and what I like to call “my evil side”
“My evil side” has been around for a few weeks, only showing himself in HI, and even then always VERY briefly. He won’t even tell me his name. All I know is that he is very dark.

Now if only I could get them out of my HI (well…maybe not completely) and into my dreams. :tongue:
Note: I do naturally have very vivid HI that appear very quickly, but I have trouble keeping lucid through them.


Yes, they are both male.

Yes, I get that, Talon… I’m just making observations.

(And to think: Of all the “character creation” tutorials and websites I’ve visited, this is the only one that actually accomodates my… style. And it brings so much more than just a novelesque character - the feeling is… surreal. I don’t think I could thank you enough, Talon - I don’t even have a ridiculously elaborate word to express my thanks… but I’ll think of one, just for you ^^)

I think Harlequin/Moulin Rouge will end up being one of those dream characters that spontaneously changes her name - just on impulse… caprice… whim. Whatever you want to call it. And, I’m okay with that. It won’t confuse me none. (I don’t know about you guys… I’ll let you know, of course, when she’s again changed her name.)

I’m glad other people are finding this thread, also.

Well! … When it comes to academic study, I read over my notes, and while I say them in my head, I make sure Talon remembers ( I try of course as well! If I don’t, she can!). Then I remember the number of things needed, and she does the rest… It’s pretty automatic, but mostly it’s just going over it several times and making sure both she and I can recite it a few times without much problem… I might blank out come-test time, but she won’t!

And as for lucidity… Pretty much! Yes! :smiley: I ask in a bit of a conversation before bed, and Takone (cause now I have Takone help me) pretty much agrees… then I’m off to sleep and I go lucid! So far… as long as it’s not Talon, and the character Agrees, I DO go lucid! :D~

By the way… I created CALD, so I don’t think there realy are experts on the subject…

-Talon! ^^

I think you are an expert on it :razz:

I’m off to sleep now, hopefully Jarken will help me go lucid. :tongue:

I Guess so! Sweet dreams! >< I’m answering your posts as I can…

Your HI characters seem so interesting… ^^ I hope that our characters will one day know each other well!
They seem very deep…and I am glad you think it less odd enough to try it…? I am glad for it…

They seem interesting… If you get a name would you mind posting them…? If it’s too personal I can understand though~! :smiley:
I have never heard of HI characters, they seem very cool!
Sweet dreams and I hope you go Lucid~!
-Talon :smiley:

I know… You’re always so observant! I like that about you. :smiley:
^^ I am happy you like this so much… I agree- other character creation techniques tend to feel so…fake, it hurts me D:.
Thanks so much for your appreciation-- You’re welcome!

Rouge does change her name quite a bit! I look forward to her next name laughs ^^~! She seems… nice! :smiley:

…The amount of posts flooding in right now is so amusing to Takone right about now… XD

With much joy~
-Talon! ^^

HI characters are pretty much the same as Dream Characters. Especially since my HI tends to be so vivid and I have little control over it, it’s practically a dream anyway.

Ofcourse, for me it’s easier to talk to my characters in HI, since I can remain some what lucid. Jarken didn’t help me get a dream last night, but my DR seems better…maybe…

Anyway, I know what I want to do in my next LD (probably a CALD) Find out my “Dark side’s” name, and Jarken want’s to meet Takone in a SD…wonder how that would go.

I want DC’s too… :cry:

Yay! School finally ended for the year and I’m out for the summer lol. By the way Talon I typed those questions in this main forum for you, but my comp messed up (I use a more reliable one in the afternoon then at night, it’s 4:47 here on Eastern Standard Time). Since it messed up, I just put it on the character dorum knowing that you’d respond. Thanks lol.

And by the way, there is a scientific principle to this. Since you created CALD, you aren’t an expert on it. You are THE expert on it. I read that you wanted status reports, so I obliged lol.

Characters are progressing, but I can’t be sure how much. I hace been feeding my opinions on things and people and encouraging them to form their own opinions on things and be individual. I also am not answering questions for them, waiting for them to respond in their own individual way, rather than implanting a personality in them. I don’t know if this will work or not. That is a question of mine. Do I need to respond for them, or will they develop on their own when I don’t respond for them?

I hope to test CALD when my characters develop more fully. However, I feel that it is not right to ask favors of my characters before they are fully comfortable around me and will respond.

I have a question for you guys. When they do respond, do the characters take on their own unique voices or do they use your standard “thought voice” (that voice you hear when you think to yourself inside your head). I mean, it would be really cool if they use their own voices IWL, but do they?

And yes, I’m 14. Probably the only 14 year old who has so much time alone that they know almost as much about most subjects as their teachers know lol. I need a character so I don’t spend all of my free time studying. I already know theoretical physics to a heavy degree, which is sad. lol I need a character quick.

Thanks everyone, I hope for the best for CALD.

XD That sounds wonderful-- HI seems interesting, mine isn’t so vivid… Your characters seem interesting, and fining out about your dark side seems cool :smiley:

…I Hope that Takone and Jarken can meet up-- we’ll have to arange something when we’re both more reliably lucid! :smiley:

With much hope~