check this out

i havent posted in here in over a year…felt the need to share this though…

ive been drinking Red Bull energy drinks almost every morning. i read the back of the can and saw that it contains an amazing 80% of Vitamin b12 and 250% of Vitamin b6. any of you dream junkies will know that these two vitamins are amazing in providing vivid long easy rememerable dreams. and ive been noticing that from when i started having these drinks every morning that every night id wake up with the memory of hours of vivid dreams. suggest you all try it out once or twice.

ps- download ‘Silent Lucidity’ by queensryche

Hmm I havn’t tried those drinks much - though vitamin B I find good. I’m using melatonin, 3mg every night for a week. This helps my dream recall really great over the hole weekend.

… ofcause I’m not saying try these pills! Ofcause know what you take before … (any disclaimer needed hehe) I can explain what it is though if you want.

theres been debate on this already. search for the thread “red bull gives you wings”

and I would suggest not taking it every day, it will cause you brain damage or something, as stated in that thread.

I’ve taken some Gatorade and Energade energy drinks this summer (it was recommended by doctors during the summer heatwave in Europe).

They didn’t list vitamins though. Perhaps it’s only Red Bull which has these vitamins.