I thought I should share what I believe to be important information on the ‘conspiracy’ theory about Chemtrails, this documentary displays an extreme amount of evidence supporting the damage chemtrails do. Please, if you cannot watch this video series now, save it and watch another time, don’t get lazy or bored like everyone else I have tried to show. If you disagree on this, make sure you watch the entire documentary before replying. It’s not wasting your time it’s potentially helping you and others become aware of the current situation. Thank You.
Did you notice that I put, Conspiracy in between 2 ’ ? That meaning it’s not really a conspiracy, don’t make such judgements about chemtrails when you havn’t done the research.
I don’t have any thoughts on chemtrails, because it’s BS.!
The problem I find in dealing with conspiracy theorist, is that no matter
how hard you try to discuss something, from a skeptic point of view, the theorist will always try to persuade you into believing in his theory, By becoming aggressive. Trust me I have had experiences in dealing with so called theories in the past.
Why do you think it’s all bullcrap? What have you based your conclusion on?
Watch the video and it might get you thinking. If not, you’ve just gained life experience on how drastically humans can panic over little things. Nothing to lose, except some of your time. Not really a loss, more of a trade =].
So what evidence do you have besides that video
to say chemtrails exist??. I’m not watching the video, like I said I have already watched tuns and tuns of videos and seen tuns and tuns of imagery based on these so called chemtrails. What would I gain from viewing that video?. Nothing…
How do you know you wouldn’t gain a thing? You’re judging it before you’ve even seen it, like a child saying he doesn’t like a meal just by looking at it without actually tasting it.
And there’s alot of evidence. Discovery channel even made a documentary about it. Some airplane lines stay for hours and spread out. They’re supposed to dissapear almost instantly or within minutes.
Don’t be the child that dislikes a meal just by looking at it.
Are you and The Dragon the same poster or something? did you not read the above posts I have made?. You see this is exactly my point in why I refuse to argue with people like you. I’m not being a child, and the reason I’m judging this video is because I will say this out loud ok. I HAVE SEEN LOADS OF VIDEOS AND PHOTOGRAPHS OVER THE PAST VIEW YEARS WHEN I USED TO BE INTO ALL THIS STUFF. BUT I HAVE GROWN OUT OF IT… So please don’t start arguing with me because I do not wish to see this video, and you can not force me to watch it…
If you don’t want to discuss about this, don’t say it’s all bullcrap without explaining what you’ve based your conclusion on. It’s like saying “I don’t like swimming!” someone asks “why?” you answer “It’s bullcrap! It just is!!”. Please, share us your thoughts on this. What have you based your conclusion on? If it is infact bullcrap, please help us here and tell us how they really are instead of this ‘conspiracy nonsense’.
If you could, I’d appreciate it. Because if you could, it would mean that I’ve been believing in a lie and I would appreciate someone telling me the truth.
So far, this theory has had more evidence than your argument.
See you are only wanting to hear what you want to hear. If I was to say “Oh wow, I believe in all this that video is awesome”. Then you wouldn’t have gotten aggressive. If your going to post videos about theories you should always expect someone to call it such a thing if they don’t believe in it. Again your posting this on a public forum, I am allowed to say exactly what I feel…
I am not arguing, the only person arguing here is you.
Trying to make me watch a video and make me change my mind.
Wasn’t aggressive at all. It’s just that it’s so true and you took it as offensive.
And what you’re commenting isn’t even relevant to the actual topic of this.
Sure, tell us how you feel. And yea, you have the right so say whatever you like.
But in my humble opinion, so far all you’ve said had no backup whatsoever and seems more foolish than the topic of this thread.
How am I being offensive please ha ha, Like I said I’m not going to waste my time in pointing out any evidence because it just won’t be enough for you to agree with me.
You will still continue to argue and rant over this video. and yes I watched the first 2 mintues of the video and then turned it off. It’s funny you had 0 posts and since this thread was created your post count has gone up maybe my theory on you being the same poster as Dragon is correct. .
[mod]I have removed full quotes of previous posts from several posts and replaced them with “@the poster that was quoted”, this is to aid in readability. Please quote sparingly. Also merged together a double post.
Please remember that there is an IRC channel or Private message for more fast pace conversations and try to ensure that your post adds to the discussion, you are of course entitled to disagree, but if every topic consisted of simply, I agree, I disagree, this is rubbish type posts, it would make discussion about the topic itself difficult.[/mod]
Calm down everyone! There are all kinds of people who “try to persuade you into believing in his theory, by becoming aggressive”. Stay away from them and do not generalize their kind.
I would love to hear your opinion LucidGuy101 instead of just saying “it’s bullcrap” in every other post. Besides that, you seem to have experience with it that those who have not researched it as much like me may be interested in. I’m especially interested in this “evidence” you are talking about.