I had my first lucid dream in about a year, as I have started reading Stephen Laberge’s EWLD. I haven’t had the time in the past year, but am now trying again.
I wasn’t doing much in the dream, just exploring a park in what seemed like New York, and flying around along with a pair of floating eyes, that seemed to be a guide of some sort.
I have had a total of about 12 ld’s, but today when I woke up my heart was beating really fast and hard and I had a really sharp pain in my chest. I seem to remember experiencing the same thing a few times before.
I always feel OK about 10 minutes later and it only worries me a bit when I just wake up. But I can always feel (or remember the pain for at least an hour after). Does anyone else have similar pains?
I know lucid dreaming is supposed to be safe health-wise, but it is a strange feeling.
Actually I just remembered - I jumped straight out of bed to write it down before I forgot it. Maybe the sudden exertion may have something to do with it?
I had this about a month ago, but I’ve had these pains occasionally my whole life, whether I’ve been sleeping or not. I think it’s your diet, I’m not sure, my mum said it was some sort of stitch, like your blood hasn’t taken enough oxygen to that area of your body. It is a really sharp pain that hurts when you breathe in, or push your chest out, its kind of to the left of your chest, above where ppl say your heart is (even though really, it isn’t)…I don’t know if this is the same pain you have, but When I had it after a LD, I was layed in a very uncomfortable position. As you know, when dreaming in REM periods, your body doesn’t move, so the pain could be a result of laying in an awkward position where your blood circulation gets slightly cut off…I don’t know, just a theory.
I avtually had one of these pains yesterday when laying in bed…I’ve been keeping track of them for the past few months to see if my theory could be right…and I was layed on my chest, and I was REALLY cold which sometimes causes poor circulation.
Anyway, look out for it, and see if this makes any sense whatsoever…if it doesn’t-sorry.
when I was in the early teens I too had such pains in the chest area, I’ve always been told it’s just growing up and normal, nothing too bothering
it won’t do you any harm to visit a doc. I’ve been to docs for odd reasons (my thumb would really hurt like crazy at night) and he just said there’s nothing wrong with it, so I put up with it until it stopped
My heart used to beat fast and hard after waking while asleep too although I don’t get the chest pain. Turned out I have a blood pressure problem. Blood pressure is under control now and I don’t have that happening anymore.
Keep an eye on it. You may need a better diet/exercise/sleep program.