Childhood dream(s)...

You know… this is probably the most scary dream that i’ve had when I was a child (maybe 7+ years old). It’s interesting just remembering about it now because it’s been so long since then… something about the dream made me so very worried, I can’t for the life of me remember what it was “exactly”. Maybe it had something to do with me dying on a toilet. Yea, you read that right “dying on a toilet”… what strange dreams kids can have! I can remember some other parts of the dream which included a video store and I remember seeing the lady that worked there… i’m starting to think maybe it also involved an alien world of some kind… thinking back on this now it seemed so real and I have a pretty clear image of it in my mind, perhaps it was a LD. An additional dream I had one night, from what I can recall I was jumping around rooftops and flying around in a sort of military environment… that dream came from when I was around 13+ years old, and I remember after waking up I wanted to have another dream like that because it was so realistic and heaps of fun!!

Awesome dreams…

I also remember a dream of my childhood. I was walking down the staircase in my grandmas house. Then the two mask of theather the happy and the sad one. They became big and killed me. My favorite dream was when I was 13. WAIT!! I am 13 :tongue: . Well it was freefall.

hahaha omar… still a kid I suppose. you’re lucky in that way. I enjoyed being young… but then again i’m still pretty young lol

I have one that still haunts me where my mom was holding my hand and fearfully trying to lead me along the streets lined with dead bodies and fire. I remember toe-ing around a dead girl’s head.

I also had nightmares about a character that looked just like Jim Carrey’s character from The Mask, but this was years before it came out. Odd, that I liked the movie when it came out.

That’s pretty freaky… I mean, toe-ing around a dead girl’s head. Just the image of that freaks me out just now lol, quite disturbing. Yea man I love that movie, The Mask! Jim Carrey’s one of my favourite actors. I’m currently waiting to see his new movie “The Number 23”.