Childhood dreams

Hi all,
When i was a chils i used to have a reacurring dream about tiny dots racing towards me, it was like dust or something in loads of different colours but the background was black like i was trapped in a dark room but i couldn’t see ay walls or anything.

I used to wake up with the feeling that someone had held my head in the pillow like i was suffercating and eveything was dashing around me really fast.

It used to scare me to death and i was affraid to sleep.
I had this dream again about a year ago and i cannot pin point anything that might have brought it back.

Does anyone know what this could mean?

Do you believe in past lives? Reincarnation?

This is obviously a very odd dream for a young child to have. There is little to no symbolism, no DC, etc… The logical explination is that you were remembering dying in a past life. Suffocating? Drowning?

When I was young, I was completely terrified of fire. I would dream my house was on fire just about every night. My mom said there was no explination for it. I had never even been near fire before.

If you don’t believe in past lives then pay no mind to the previous post :sleep: