ChildHood Memory.

Hello Guys n Gals. :dragon:

Just had a nostalgia moment and I remembered all the experiences I used to have with waking sleep paralysis.

When I was young as I either went to bed or woke up early in the morning I felt so extremely heavy but I could move slightly, the feeling I had was that everything was extremely dense, thick and heavy. Whilst laying in bed I also had huge boulders coming towards me that were also slow and limbering, it was like a visual nightmare whilst I was still awake. About 2 weeks ago maybe I experienced this same feeling of dense, thick and heavy. But without the boulders. Is this SP? I am also losing my motivation for lucid dreaming again. It’s really beginning to suck. T_T

Sort of, most times in SP you can’t move at all, either because you are in the middle of an FA or your body is still in sleep mode as your mind wakes up. Note, however, I’m not entirely ruling it out since SP can be experienced in several different ways. The images are what are known as HH, and are basically your mind filling in the blanks for reasons why you can’t move and whatnot. These images can actually be controlled by expecting to see something else when you open your eyes.

When you have these moments, try to imagine rolling out of bed. If you are in that place between awake and asleep, it can be the final jolt you need to get into a dream. Just don’t let the experience weird you out, and alwas see things like this as a new opportunity for LD’s.

This is the thing that sucks, this only happend when I was young. If I had the knowledge I have now when I was young, i’d probably be a pro LDer now. But since I never caught on to the idea I could stop it all and control it, it kept me frightened in the situation…I just want to experience my first LD. T_T

Volvateken, I read you have regular meditative experiences. Why don’t you just bring your meditative state when you go to sleep? It is quite the same thing as dreaming, and you probably have learnt to be well lucid when you meditate.

Great idea, thanks. I just need to get meditating again, last few weeks iv’e been unsuccesful at relaxing, I just give up whilst I’m doing it. =/ But I need to re-gain my determination! :content: