cigarettes and dreaming

Very interesting topic to me! I’ve smoked for about 25 years. I quit again and finally (my about 3rd time seriously quitting) two years ago. Having not lucidly dreamed for many years, for the past year or year and a half I have been LD’ing pretty regularly (and sometimes quite spectacularly). Now, nicotine helps many people have vivid dreams – that is a commonly reported side effect of the patch for those (like me) who wore it all night (since normally even heavy 2 pack a day smokers like I was don’t have a high blood serum nicotine level during the night), but vivid dreams are not lucid dreams, obviously.

I liked the post about throwing away your cigarettes in your dream and so thereby ridding yourself of the addiction. I had to chuckle at this. Great idea – I’ve often wished for it – unfortunately, what I, my husband who quit when I did , and other heavy smokers who quit have found, is that when you quit smoking –

YOU START SMOKING IN YOUR DREAMS! And whats worse, you feel GUILTY for doing it :happy:

I never smoked in my dreams until I quit, and every time I quit I started. And then in your dreams (which feel just like real life while you’re dreaming) you start wondering – did I quit? Did I quit but I’m just cheating? Did I quit but I started again? When did I quit? Was that really me?

So sadly, in my experience, the opposite is true. Your addictions haunt you in your dreams! Which actually is fine, even if its dream smoking, it feels real to me – but no lung damage. Hey, what a deal!!

I never got this…but I bet tonight I will. Just cos you made me think about it! I really want a smoke…haven’t got any…gonna go MAD!!