CILD--BenDrummin58's Method

I tried this last night when I went to sleep and I also tried it a few times in the morning. I visualised the number while I was counting. What happened to me was that I started getting confused after a while and I didn’t know that number I was on, I guess I must have lost consiousness for a while and then regained it. And I only did one RC and that was after counting for about 10 minutes. All the other times I just fell asleep before doing the RC. I guess that I might have fallen asleep when I lost track of my counting, so I will try harder to do a RC night.

This method seems to really accelerate my falling asleep process. I think I fell asleep in maybe 15 minutes last night :eek: , it usually takes longer than that for me to fall asleep. I think I will try again tonight but I will only visualise untill I notice that I’m getting close to sleep, I will then just count and I will hopefully remember to do a RC.

Well, I tried this out for the first time last night and was rewarded with my first induced ld. I don’t remember much of it beyond doing the RC and still being able to breathe, but it worked.

This sounds very interesting! i haven’t had a LD in weeks. Maybe this will help?

I tried this last night, I put my mobile phone to wake me up during the second, third and fourth REM-period and I then counted without visualizing the numbers. I remember that I realised that I should be counting and that I then woke up, but that’s all that I remember. I’m not sure what happened, I might have had a LD and then woken up either IRL or in a FA. In any case I will try this again tonight :grin:

I was suppose to try this last night but, when I woke up this morning and have absolutely no memories the I have turned of the alarm clock… It is really spooky :smile: I guess I didn’t tried the tec either :sad: but I will try this night

Hi all!!!
I tried this technique on 3 different nights. Although I didn’t wake up using the alarm, because now I have my body programed to wake up at specific times during the night and 4.5 hours after I go to bed is one of them.
The first time, I suppose I was too alert and I actually reached 400 and didn’t feel like going on.
The second time, I was too sleepy, and I couldn’t concentrate on the counting, I fell asleep.
The third time, I begin to count, but when I reach 20 or something I would get distracted by some thougts, so I would restart. but I never totally lost consciousness. I was aware of my thought process all the time. After a while, I thought:“this sucks I can’t sleep!!”. I opened my eyes and saw the air conditioner. I think it looked a little weird so I held my nose and tried to breath, and I felt cold air rushing up my nose and into my lungs !!! I became lucid and jumped through the mirror :happy:

That was really exciting. I’ll try this method some more, it seems really promising.

Thanks !!

lucky you :smile: i tried this 2 or 3 times, but was either too alert or couldn’t concentrate. but i’m gonna go to bed right now and try it…

no luck, again, as i lied in bed counting, i just got more awake. then i got tired and stopped, just fell asleep. sigh there’s always tonight…

I tried last night, but I just did it at my normal bed time (alarms at 4 in the morning anger my room-mates). I lost count around 150ish and drifted off to sleep. I ended up dreaming that I was in a class room, and at the front of the room was a little kid counting up. Well, I think he was counting up. I’m not sure because all I heard was him say the number 400 and when I heard that I remembered I was going to do a reality check. I did and sure enough I was dreaming.

I don’t now how much I tried this method, but sometimes when i wake up middle in the night i decide to try this.

Three times I had a little luck with this method… but… they go like this:
i start counting, and i keep trying to focus on my counting… after a while, when i almost fall alseep, i stop counting (but my sub-c keept counting or something)… and then i’m in a kind of black void, a bit confused/not completely awake in my mind/with strange toughts (can’t explain it good)…
i’m aware of my body,… but it feels like my body is “larger” and “ghostlier” than it actually is…

i’m partially conscious for a while… and then i drift back to sleep.

the problem is I don’t see anything, I’m not completely awaken (a little confused, like you’ve waken up from deep delta sleep),… and i feel my strange-feeling body.

how can i induce a LD from this?

Seems like you got nice tech here Ben.Theres like …hmmm…3 or 4 ppl saying they had ld ,some that it was their 1st ld ever.Good job:)
I just wanna add one thing to the text you have pasted up there.
Those intentions “next time im at work” or “next time i see ben” work much better if they are based on dreamsigns taken from ones dream diary.This is a kind of combo.the way MILD works.
Have a diary.Look for things that repeat.Base your reality checks(intentions) on things most often in your dreams.
Anyways…this method sounds just simple enough for me to try,ill give it a go:)
Oh,one more thing…sometimes you dont need to do that waking up at night.When ones feels very sleepy(in a sleep debt) theres a fair chance REM will start straight away.
take care:)

Hio i was trying this teck again… I woke up this time but i couldent go back to sleep:( but an LD thanks to it anway :happy:

good things :happy:

I had another LD yesterday :grin: !! This time, I didn’t stray from the counting, but when I reached 60 I felt that body turned into a gas and I knew I was dreaming, and the nose test confirmed that! It was also the longest LD I’ve ever had!

I’ll keep on practising this technique, it seems to work quite well with me.


Dark Sider, did you use this technique after sleeping for 4-5 hours? or did you use it without sleeping at all? how hard did you focus on counting? did you visualize the numbers?

I have tried this tech severl times now, but I seem to always fall asleep really fast. I got to 10 today before falling asleep. A few days ago I lost count at about 20 and then continued counting, I didn’t think that I might have been in a dream by then :ack:

JaRoD…try counting to like 30 or something. Instead of 400.

void wrote:

Yes, I wake up after sleeping for almost 4.5 hours, i didn’t use an alarm clock, since I can wake up at 4.5 hours after sleep at will. But I guess the point is to be in the REM target zone. When I realise I’m awake, I move carefully to make myself comfortable without becoming too awake. I sleep on my back. I don’t focus on the counting very much, I allow other thoughts to interfere, but when they do, I notice them and gently restart the counting. I tried visualizing the numbers, but it kept me too awake.
Don’t get frustrated if it doesn’t work, just have a playful attitude and tell yourself that it will work someday.
Good luck!

I think it’s great that you found a method that works for you, but to me this sounds exactly like how LaBerge described WILD in his book. If there’s difference please point it out to me, but even if there is it can’t be big enough for you to claim it as your own. I tried this and it didn’t work for me and there was a side-effect of not sleeping the rest of the night, but that’s not why I’m bashing it. I don’t mean anything to you personally.

Just my thoughts.

I still seem to have trouble doing the counting part. I think I forgot to count last night when I reached maybe 5 and then I just fell asleep :cry: I guess I will have to try harder tonight and make sure that I count and not just fall asleep.