last night i tried chakra indiced lucid dreaming, and after a while, i started to feel my third eye onmy forehead, it sort of felt like something was being pressed against my head in the shape of a big eye, it got really strong, but since this was my first time, i actually thought something was on my head so i felt it and nothing was there, and now i cant get that feeling back, can anyone help me with how to get it back again?
[color=darkblue]The third eye is probably linked to the pineal gland. Which is light sensative, producing melatonin regulating the sleep and awake patterns.
Do not think that you must feel the presence of an eye on your forehead to lucid dream. You actually have just managed to get into an OBE like stage where everything you feel is imaginery. It happens when your body starts to sleep when your mind is still awake (also a common phase of WILD).
I’m not sure what your methods are and what you mean by Chakra induced so you’d have to explain the process to me for me to be able to give a fair judgement.
What I do know though is that whatever you call it, you are reaching the first stages of WILD. Did you get any HI at this point? The eye on your head shows that you were reading up on Chakra or were thinking about it…[/color]
I usually just concentrate on that spot on my forehead and in a few moments it feels just like you said, something being pressed against the head.
Could you explain that chakra induced LD’s? I’ve never heard of it before, but I can sense my “third eye” almost anytime I wish…
Your technique reminds me of the Suneye method. I can’t really say if it is the same or if it is really related, based on the information I heard from you and from the Suneye method. In the Suneye method you concentrate on your third eye. Maybe you could read more about it, if you haven’t already done that
Sounds to me like, you’re reacting to what you’ve read! I wouldn’t start believing in a “3rd” eye but perhaps what it implies… as Infinitycascade mentioned, it could be related to the way your mind operates under the circumstances.
I believe that since the mind is so powerful, we can allow it only to believe what we know or have heard of… everything we put together comes from something in combination. Have you ever tried imagining a new colour? Hmm… well for me that would be an impossible task.
I haven’t even had a proper LD yet, but my suggestion is that you should just keep trying and “it” will come back.
Isn’t the pineal gland = the third eye?
Anyhoo … Whenever I focus at my “third eye”, I feel something that I believe is pain. It may sound odd that I don’t know whether or not it being pain, but it’s a very weird sensation, to say the least.
I always get weird dreams by doing that … If it matters
That sounds dangerous… a feeling of pain? I probably would look for a new method
Well, I’ve been just fine so far (I guess ), but I don’t know if it can be dangerous.
Guess I’ll have to do some googleedoo
hehe sometimes you find the most exaggerated forms of things through google… so it’s not the best way to find out… though, if the pain doesn’t feel like it’s going to hurt you, or your “eyes” in particular then it should be fine.
Google told me that my tongue placement is wrong
I read somewhere else that the problem lies in broken chakras, and some other site simply stated that it was a headache
Guess I’ll never figure this out
hahahahahahahahaha …
I was looking for more, and came over ‘kundalini’. I thought that I might be on to something, but it didn’t seem right.
Kundalini appears to be some kind of meditation tech.
Well, at least you’ll get your daily meditation and maybe get rid of stress too
LOL … wow that’s just pathetic. Anyone who does that meditation is a complete tool. oops I should be careful what I write huh hehe
Well, if you have a gambling issue, you might love it
Let’s say that you have a 20% chance of improving your life, and 60% of making it miserable (and 20% to die mwaha). what gambler wouldn’t just LOVE it?
Oh … this got a bit off-topic …
lol you … are you a gambler?
I won’t even make a small bet of $5 even if I knew 99% that i’d win… I just, hate gambling! …
Nope, I’m not a gambler
I’m good at predicting stuff, though
Is there a particular reason to why you hate gambling so much? And, hey, if there is a 99% chance of winning, it’d be pretty wise to invest 5 bucks. You could donate the money, ya know? If you just think it’s a no-no
In a book i read recently it mentioned the Kundalini Spirit. Ancient cultures believed that it was a fiery serpent made of energy that dwelled in the base of your spine.
As you get more enlightened in life (or through meditation), it rises up your spine until it reaches your brain. When it gets there it forms a triangle between itself, your pineal gland (Ajna chakra and ‘third eye’) and the Sahasrara chakra (the highest one, the crown chakra). When this happens you have reached enlightenment.
The book mentioned something about those not worthy of such knowledge and power would be crippled for life by the wrath of the kundalini spirit, or some gibberish. Personally I think this was just an old way of saying ‘don’t go looking for enlightenment to achieve personal (material) gain’.
Some people believe the electrical vibrations you feel when attempting to WILD is your kundalini spirit rising and releasing some of its energy.
I’m not sure what your methods are and what you mean by Chakra induced so you’d have to explain the process to me for me to be able to give a fair judgement.
What I do know though is that whatever you call it, you are reaching the first stages of WILD. Did you get any HI at this point? The eye on your head shows that you were reading up on Chakra or were thinking about it…-yeah i think i reached HI, the images were pretty vivid, and it kind of felt like an OOBE for about a minute
I know exactly what you mean. I use that meathod to astral project and i focus on the point and i start to hear maybe a voice or a high pitch ringing and the deeper i get the more pain i seem to get on my third eye. maybe im trying or thinking to hard…im not really sure but i can relate