The BIG Suneye Topic - part II

So I was browsing through some topic and came across the SunEye Technique for LD, which is basically focusing on the space between your eyebrows in addition to WILDing (there’s a sticky about it right above I think)

That’s just the reason why I merged your interesting account about this method in it. :wink:

Here’s how it went:

I was practically terrified of sleeping since I’d been reading up on Old Hag experiences and did NOT want to experience one again (my last one was disturbing to say the least). So I kinda stayed up until I felt really tired, then fell asleep with the lights on (this is embarassing, i know!) I fell asleep for about 5 hours, upon which I got up, read a little more about the SunEye (for about 30 minutes), then went to sleep on a different bed (I have a futon and a bed in my room.)

This time, however, as I was sleeping, I started doing the technique. I tried sleeping on my back, but apparently I can never fall asleep on my back at all so I laid there for about an hour and half doing SunEye. Strangely, I didn’t feel the time pass at all, and I did have several vibrations/HI, but no sleep. I tried relaxing, but still no sleep.

So finally, I shifted to my side and tried to find my chakra that way also (it’s a little more difficult, but definitely doable.) I fell asleep within about 4 minutes and had this dream where my parents came over to my room that exact day. See, I’m graduating in May and one of my biggest worries is that my parents will suddenly decide to drop by and notice my incredibly messy room and my fridge full of alcohol. In the dream itself, I noticed that I checked the date on my watch, and wierdly enough, it said April 24th, which was yesterday’s date. Should’ve been a perfect segway for an RC, but alas. Anyway, about 3 minutes into the dream, I wake up and kick myself for not doing an RC or realizing that it’s impossible for my parents to drop by since it’s not May yet.

I resolve to repeat the mantra ‘This is a dream’ as I’m falling asleep again, and as I doze off again, I focus on the chakra. Now, this is where it gets a little wierd and I cant tell if I was having a OBE or an LD. I’m sleeping and repeating, ‘This is a dream’ when I have another random thought about my family (another thing I found was that I could induce specific dreams MUCH easier with the SunEye method). But then I tell myself ‘This is a dream’, and … I dont know how to describe it, it’s like my eyes opened, except they were still closed (I know they were closed because a split second later I really did open my eyes and snap out of … whatever it was). Anyway, when my eyes “opened”, I was still lying on my bed, but everything looked hazy and blurry. I looked briefly around my room, but was a little scared as to what was going on. I remember opening my eyes, and suddenly having this feeling of fear of the unknown. Throughout this entire episode (which was pretty brief…about 5 seconds), I was completely aware of everything around me, but I was definitely not awake. Anyway, as I said, I opened my real eyes a split second later and everything was back to normal.

So, I think this is the method for me. If anything, I want more practice on learning to induce specific dreams.