Ok, last night I had my first full lucid dream, but like many of my dreams, it is very grey and colorless. I know this has been asked before but how do you make your dreams more vivid?
P.S. I am 13 with a LOADED spice cabinet and plenty of different vitamins if that helps narrow it down
You will need the following:
1 tornadoe
1 wicked witch
1 rainbow
1 dog named ‘toto’
oh and 1 copy pink floyds dark side of the moon (hit play when the tiger roars)
No but seriously you could walk up to a door, try to pull a scene like when (oh man i forgot her name!) but like when that girl in the movie wizard of oz opens the door outside after the tornadoe and everythings in color.
Yeah, whatever you do, you gotta mean it. Otherwise you might end up going ‘LUCIDITY NOW! Increase Lucidity Now!’ and then when nothing happens you let yourself get disheartened and you lose more and more meaning in the words as you get more and more desperate and anguished…used to happen to me
i dont’ recommend screaming as it can you wake you up as you run out of air
breathing and talking in dream are connected to the processes in real life and can interfere with each other.
screaming it in your head is ideal though… it’s best not to fight it but rather be intuitive about the dream, “feel” it and feel what you need to do
like this one time i had just entered a dream and was running in order to stay inside, but that caused me to wake up, and I felt a weird sludgy energy motion come over me, so I just, went with that, and stepped in time with it, very very slowly, a step every 5 or so seconds, until I could move normally again, and then the dream was stable and lasted a while.
I’m guessing problems with vision imply that you are very close to waking up or in a light sleep, so deep breathing while saying “I am entering a stable dream” might work… deep breathing tends to help stabilize you, sometimes…