Clear lucid dreams

Two nights ago I had my first clear lucid dream. It was completely and exactly realistic. All other lucid dreams always had a fake feeling, but not this one. It was after doing WILD and I was on a generic PM, so that might have played a role in it. There was a superhero whom I suspect was my dream guide, and he told me that I was dreaming. After that, I did a bunch of RCs just to watch them fail. Then I looked in a mirror, and a digital image of myself moved away from my real image. I then tried to come to this message board and post, but just as I got on, my alarm went off and I woke up. This was the strangest part, since I was already concious mentally, I just blinked and I was in my bed. I hope it wasn’t the PMs, because I didn’t take any last night and I didn’t even remember my dreams.

Some people say that WILD’s are often more realistic than DILD’s, and you are often more lucid in them.

(carrying on from Basilus) Mainly because a WILD, you’re level of conciouness does not decrease - so you start off already very lucid.

In a DILD however, you have been unlucid for a while - and thus it is harder for you to bring your level of conciouness back up again.

That’s not to say that DILD are bad - they can be every bit as realistic as WILD.
I have never WILD’d in my life, yet a fair amount of my DILD’s are as realistic as real life :smile:.

(carrying on from Sureal) Because of WILD, your critical awareness does not drop so much as often happens during DILD. However it does drop, during any LD you arent even close to 20% of ordinary daily awareness (which has to do with brain chemistry during sleep, it supresses the centre in the brain responsible for this critical awareness).

(carrying on from Xetrov) Hey, you learn something new every day :wink:.

I find that very hard to believe. Most of my high-level LDs (mostly DILDs) are usually very close to real life awareness. Ofcourse dream lucidity is a spectrum of awareness, but 20%?? Where did you find this number?

Thanks for the replies.
I think that the 20% awareness could account for people (or maybe just me) thinking “Why didn’t I do ____?! I was such an idiot!” But that’s just an idea.

Just taking an educated guess, after talking on this with a bald man… :razz:. Perhaps I was wrong on the high level ones, but certainly not when you look at average LD’s. Very high level LD’s are indeed closer to waking life awareness, however this is viewed from within the LD so it’s pretty hard to judge after you wake up. Besides this, a neurotransmitter Acetylcholine, which is responsible for firing the visual cortex during dreams, also has the effect that it supresses the critical awarenes centre. So during a dream, wether lucid or not, you cannot totally deactivate this effect because otherwise you would be awake.

If you are able to, be lucid in deep sleep. You will notice the difference in level of awareness right away, since acetylcholine is put on a hold in this stage of sleep.

Hm ok if you consider overall LD awareness, 20% might become a little more reasonable. Especially if the bald man agrees on this :wink:

Sounds intriguing. Oh well, perhaps in 20 years I might understand what you mean :smile:

Lol Mystic, dont underestimate yourself :smile:. Have you ever even tried?

I’m not underestimating myself. I’m merely being realistic :smile: And no I haven’t tried it. Wouldn’t really know where to start… if you mean sleep yoga practice, well… that REALLY takes many years to develop properly.