Well, according to the most recent election poll (just now saw it on ABC)
John kerry is leading bush by 1%!
Kerry-49% Bush-48% Nader-1%.
I am really expecting that number to increase as the election draws closer but i am sooo nervous haha. I really hope he can pull through. I just hope Bush doesn’t steal another election. I will be absolutely sick. What is everyones opinions on Kerrys slight lead? do you think it will continue to grow, stay the same, or decline?
I am crossing my fingers!
Kerry '04
lets just hope the democrats dont pull another “I demand a recount!”
hehe man… i’ll just… faint if Bush wins again >_<
You can say what you want, but Bush is winning the elections, dreaming around won’t help in final count
I’m not US citizen, so I’m not personaly involved here.
But that’s what I think, and been told also.
Go ahead an faint DM7…i think bush will win because he’s evil and we are all doooooomed, doomed i tell ya…
I’m just going to stay possitive that Kerry is going to win. If i were old enough to live on my own, and bush was re elected, i think i would buy a one way ticket to canada until a democrat takes the oval office. I am sick of dealing with the republican party. I just don’t see how they have managed to brainwash soo many people to think they are free. But hey, if republicans enjoy living under an oppressive fascist regime, more power to them. I don’t want any part of it.
I love America, but I am really dissapointed in the direction we are heading.