
sorry if there is a sticky topic already. :neutral:

i was just wondering if there are any certain kinds of coffee that may help you relax. Also curious, would decafe help you without the effect of loosing sleep? :cool:

there is coffee and dreams … ght=coffee
but I don’t think the different types of coffee were mentioned separately.

there is also caffeine … ght=coffee

hey, thanx alot …this will help for sure. if anyone has researched or experimented with different types of coffee i hope someone will let me know.

The active ingredient in coffee is caffeine, so once you remove the caffeine, then all you have left is a hot, strongly-flavored beverage. Perhaps it would have a psychological effect on you by the power of suggestion, but I can’t think of anything in decaf coffee that would work for or against you.

wouldn’t that strongly flavoured substance have to contain some chemicals? it’s only water until it has flavour. i’m no expert on coffee though, you could be right.
maybe someone can look deeper into it, there always a demand for new LD enhancing substances right?

The compounds in coffee that give it its flavor might have some sort of effect on the body. I’m just a passionate coffee drinker (regular and decaf) and can’t think of a time it did anything for me dream-wise. :smile:

But I could be wrong! Experiment and let us know how it goes.

it could be that your body is used to it.

i’ll definately give it a try tommorow night, and hopefully it will go well. i’ll post back once ive tested :content:

I was reading another thread about using herbs and their scents to stimulate parts of the brain. The smell of coffee itself might have an effect. Again, let us know how it goes.

smell, not a bad idea. i

actually have experimented with mint tea, it seems to help recall in the morning. i think i better get some coffee tommorow then. definately, i’ll post back as soon as i try it, in a few nights maybe.

I tried the coffee last night and i dind’t get any sleep. i dont reccomend it for lucid dreaming.
You could always try Decafe :eh:

To me, coffee’s got way too much of a caffeine kick to be good for sleeping/dreaming. Hot tea, maybe?

(But don’t do Southern-style tea with tons of sugar! That always gets my heart racing.)