
Ok, here’s a pretty impressive coincidence. A couple of days ago I was talking to Aydira in this site’s chatroom. She mentioned that she had just drawn a picture of Hubbs, using that photo he submitted in the pics thread as a guide. After finishing the pic, she uploaded it to her site and gave me the link. I had one look at it and immediately assumed I had been given the wrong link. It couldn’t have been right, because I saw that pic 2 or 3 days ago, I was sure of it.

The picture in question consists of Hubbs standing in a Laundromat, with a few brightly colored washing machines in the background, and these large colored circles on the ceiling. Every detail in this pic was so familiar to me, that I insisted that she had given me the wrong link. Aydira made it clear that she had only just completed and scanned the pic, and that the link was correct. Puzzled, I tried to remember where I had last seen it. I regularly visit art galleries such as Elfwood and DeviantArt, so I might have seen something extremely similar on one of those.

The more I thought about it, the more I was sure that it was her pic when I originally saw it. I actually recall looking at it a few days earlier, and knowing at the time that Aydira had drawn it. This is the most bazaar part. While looking over the picture yet again, I had a few flashbacks to what I was doing when I saw it the first time several days before. It was a dream! Several other related dream memories returned while I pondered. I recall Aydira personally giving me the drawing, and I even remember pointing out the strange circles on the ceiling to her at the time. Since we’ve never met in RL, I’m certain this was a dream I had about 4 days ago.

True story.

hmm… I was going to say something in response to a post on page 2, but I forgot… oh well.

Atheist, this sounds really interesting. Did you tell Aydira about it? Sounds like she somehow teleported the pic to you in your dream, maybe… would you mind posting the link to the picture here? I’d like to see it!


We spoke about it directly after she showed me the picture, but at the time I wasn’t entirely sure whether it was just that common feeling of Deja-vu or something more substantial. That’s no to say I believe anything mystical happened, I’m just absolutely sure that it wasn’t confusion on my part. I’m certain it was a dream, but I also don’t discount the possibility that I saw a similar pic earlier, thought that it had a common style to Aydira’s work, and so dreamed that she had drawn it.

The picture is located on Aydira’s website, and I’m not sure if she’d want me posting a link to it here. It is a pic of Hubbs after all, but I just want to be sure that it’s ok before I link it.

That’s a really cool incident or cool coincidence, not only that you made it on this thread, but im apart of the controversy. I just want to ask a couple of questions Atheist:

  1. Where you in Mirc. when i asked Aydira to draw me?
  2. When you dreamed of this, did it all take place on the computer or was aydira a DC?

This is a cool incident, i never thought Ld4all would actually cause such a coincidence, very cool :cool:

Thats fine with me :content: , as long as its fine with my Lady [color=violet]Aydira[/color]

Do you know about this yet Aydira??(Im sure you do :shy: )

No, I don’t recall seeing you ask her to draw your picture. I only heard that she was doing this moments before being shown the picture. Although, I do remember her talking about that picture of you several times prior to the incident above. Regardless, the major coincidences here are background theme, spots on ceiling and the fact that it was drawn by Aydira. I mean, why would I just assume the picture would be set in a laundromat? I clearly had to have seen it somewhere :wink:

In the dream she was a DC, and I first saw the picture on paper, supposedly right after she drew it. There were no computers involved.

Aydira knows, I mentioned it right after seeing the pic and we talked about it for a while. I was still trying to remember where I’d seen it, and why the memory was so strong.

Really cool expereince, i like the idea that its apart of the forum.

And I had a part of in it :tongue:

Im just a coinsidence, myself, that atleast what i tell my friend, or i tell him he’s a Glitch :lol:

One more question, did the picutre look as real as it did on the internet? Was it that vivid and real looking??? :eh: That’s really cool if so, and if im not mistaken, you have Donnie Darko Powers :lmao:

It wasn’t a lucid dream, so it’s hard to say how vivid it was. I do strongly recall the spots being the same size and color variation, and there being 3 or 4 washing machines in the background, side-by-side, and of the same unusual color scheme. I hadn’t thought of the dream until a couple of days after, so it’s hard to say how much I’m actually remembering, and how much I’m filling in retrospectively.

Still, those elements of the picture alone, it’s a pretty large coincidence.

Oh, my mistake, i was thinking it was an LD :content: