Coma and LDing

Mm not so bad idea either, yeah ask around in a hospital or better put a advertisment at all hospital networks lol :smile:

Oh you liked my heisenbergs uncertainty idea?


Yeah I like it. Got some questions though. I hope you can explain them in your view :smile:

I’ll sure will try lol :smile:


Can only speak for myself. When I had an operation at the age of two. remember dreaming a kind of nightmare… I was running around a dim lit hospital chased by what appeared to be medical staff… So yeah people do dream when having cpmplete anaesthesia

whoa so I can accidentally kill myself while im sleeping?!! no selfhypnosis for me- if i can’t see anything im outta there!!

Yes Eric that is possible…with the old medication for surgery 10% of ppl even had hallucinations, while put under the medication.


When I had my wisdom teeth surgery, I even attempted to WILD or even attempted to OBE, but the bad news is… I didn’t even remember falling asleep. I just was getting ready while they inserted that iv in me then next thing I knew was that I was waking up… everything was done. :confused: That scared me badly that I cried! I hate that forgetness experience. Yucky!

Well u didnt lose your wisdom Dm7 with it :smile:
Can imagine u didnt like that experience at all

There are many surgery medications, some make you lose consciousness and memory totally, others give to some hallucinations or dreams etc.
Because of those last category some found there way to the black market as psychedelic drugs.

Take care sister :wink:


Well i looked it up and i couldnt find that ppl in a coma have rem sleep!
Coma has only delta waves like deep sleep.
So prob they dont dream or that is rare at least.

Whoa where did you dig this topic :wink: Hmm if coma is mostly delta waves, becoming lucid inside a coma would be like… lucid sleeping then? And because you’re in delta waves, perhaps you loose your identity as you’re entering this Void? As I recall correctly, the near-death region should be below the deep sleep level… So there should be accounts of people who had NDE-like experiences while being in a coma. What do you think?

Well most eeg of coma patients is weak, meaning weaker waves then normal at delta and also irregular.
So they wont dream, or are not dreaming, but some could have been in a nde.
I can dream in delta but then all is just black.
But lets say that most of the ppl in coma are just out of consciousness.


You could try and see if you could rent a EEG from a medical supply warehouse.

Good research you did on that. However, I am still not quite convinced that people in a coma cannot LD or even have normal dreams for that matter. There is just so much we do not know about the human brain that it is hard to draw any absolute conclusions. Since people who come out of a coma often don’t remember anything there is no way to know for sure. I wonder what would happen if an experienced lucid dreamer where to enter a coma then become lucid. Would such a person even have the ability to become lucid? If he/she did could that person have the ability to bring themselves up into REM or perhaps out of the coma completely?

Milod789, of course a person could get lucid at delta but your visual cortex is not active then, so you got no screen for visuals in your consciousness!
I have regulary non rem lucid dreams and then go into the delta sleep or iam then already at delta sleep lucid and you dont have visuals there.
So even when a person in a coma dreams, because this is at a way deeper sleep stage then rem sleep, the person cant see visuals.
Like i also cant at deep sleep myself.
Almost no brain activity then. Mostly brainstem at deep sleep.

Rem sleep = colour dreams
non rem sleep = black& white dreams
Deep delta sleep = no visuals anymore.

Deeper then delta into a near death experience = visuals and sound again.

Of course when a person in coma has a nde he/she could see visuals again!
But thats not dreaming.


I completely understand all of that. I was just curious to see if anyone wanted to speculate on what a practiced lucid dreamer (or practitioner of something similar) might/might not be able to do while in a coma. The answers to these questions are, of course, impossible to prove one way or the other. Also, it would greatly depend on the amount of damage to the brain and the type of coma.

Well ehm if u want me to speculate, iam an advanced lucid dreamer because i can stay lucid into deep sleep and then your just left in a black void. Even if u try with all your might you get no visuals, i suggested, spinned, used vocal commands etc but nope no visuals.
Later from brain info i learned that at the deep sleep your brain isnt active at all. And so u cant dream, for dreams we need the visual cortex to be active.

Thats also why i say a Near Death Experience isnt our brain because else the visual cortex activity would be seen on the eeg!
And yet in a nde you see another world and the tunnel, well i did and do!
So its for sure not a dream stage.
Maybe some coma patients also go into this, i guess some will because of body damage enter a nde if they like it or not.

Well maybe i can ask a hospital or a medical prof!
could be interesting whats in the records :smile:

I have always wondered what a coma was like… It would be so scary to be concious and hear everything around you but not be able to move or just “wake up” in the sense of opening your eyes and such. scary stuff.

Well that would happen maybe to some Nic, but most are not conscious at all.
But if u would, yes would be weird and could easely be an claustrofobic experience

do you KNOW you are in delta, have you ever used an EEG? I think I can dream in delta, perhaps, too, but I wouldn’t have any way of verifying, sadly… from experienced meditators they say it’s overwhelmingly deep and peaceful, and i don’t really get that…

just the void basically…

At the first glance, it might be just a void yes… but when you explore further in that stage especially in lower delta waves, it can give you a profound experience! I have been there before and it was unbelievable powerful and profound. I would never forget it!

Holy reality, jeff worked with an EEG for a long time so i bet his information is correct, also it corresponds with my own experience of delta lucidity.