Here is a tip I used when I was small.
When I used to be afraid of a horror movie I saw on TV, I always had nightmares about them when I slept.
My brother told me that if I was ever in trouble all I had to say was,
“When I count to 3, I’ll be out of this dream…1,2,3.”
And I woke up from the nightmare.
I think because I was so small, lucidity occurred more often, but I actually used that rhyme to get me out of bad dreams!
Try commanding, or making up rhymes you can remember, in order to function correctly in your lucid dreams!
verbal commands work very well for me… things such as increase clarity and increase lucidity have helped me to stay in an LD when i would otherwise “fall” out.
Not a bad idea at all, to make rhymes as a means of increasing and even reaching lucidity. The right hemisphere of our brain, associated with creativity and intuition, is very dominant during dreams so a rhyme should work better than just a rational verbal command. You could make a rhyme and then repeat it a lot so that the rhyme will get into your subconsciousness…
I made up a litte rhyme or tune that i played on my guitar when i first started, it i would play it so much taht it would get stuck in my head. So when i would be dreaming i would hear teh song, and then do an RC, because i would always do one whenever i was done listing or playing the song. And i would always end up going lucid.
I think this tech really helped me reach teh point im at now.