Competition Rankings for December

7 B)



Oh yeah i own…

Another one, waisted on a cute girl…


had one yesturday, 1 so far for dec.

p.s. do you add together how many ld’s collectively everyone has had and then put that as the total for december?

I’ve been thinking about doing it C_mon but I haven’t done it yet. And I’m pretty sure that it won’t be that many compared to some other months where both pedro and Lucidity_Master where in the comptetition at the same time :tongue:

Oh wow, I’ve finally had one! I had low lucidity, little vividness and can remember very little at all (so, yeah, it wasn’t that good… I’, not even gonna bother writting it up).

So that’s on LD this month so far.

where is pedro im worried.

So Sureal, do you still want it as a big fat number? As in 1 :wink:

Sure, why not :grin:?

9 :happy:

When summer comes around I’m going to try to get 200 LD’s. Though the odds of this are slim since I will need 7+ LDs per day which would be 10 hour sleep periods hitting every one lucid. But It iwill be fun

lol i wish i could hit 2 a week.

I’ve hit 5 or something this week :smile: and its wednesday :smile:

:happy: I’m starting to build up intention all over again. One LD last night. total = 5.

15 ld’s

2 short ones :neutral: but that makes 10.


Eh, I’ll join the competition. It’s not like I’m going to win, but I’m starting to have one or two a week so… I’ve had 2 lucid dreams in December so far.

10 total.