Competition Rankings for February

2 LDs this morning. (A total of 6 in february).

(this is really coming along for me!)

One for me :cool: I’ll post it when I get back.

grr I know i had one last night but I cannot remember it :grrr:
so I guess that would be a .5

Had another 1 today. Jarod: I took a shoot at the the stargate thing… didn’t succeed though…

total = 7.

Uh oh… freecube took over my record of LD’s in a month, looks like I have to get real serious again. :eek:

3 LDs.

Got 2 more. What makes 4 this month :content:

Another one :grin:

This looks like it is a good month! Another one makes 5 :cool:

one more = 7 this month

1+4 makes 5 for me too :content:

How do you do it freecube? I got an LD(as in one) this month! lol.

a WILD this morning. total = 8.

I had another one! (Can’t believe it really)

8 this month.

:cheer: :clap: :beer: :thumbs: :partying_face: :balloon: :doublegrin:

:smile: Nice work Ben

Another WILD for me this morning. This seems to be easier everytime! total = 9.

Finally another LD :partying_face:

One short one, but it wasn’t worth the nightmare that came before it.

4 LDs.

I went on a 10 day vacation and didnt keep count, and because I’m so far ahead (no offense) I wont bother counting and leave my number how it is :smile: