Competition Rankings for January

Two more for 7!

I just need one more pair to reach my goal!

1 last night getting me up to 25. 1 more and I’ll beat my record! :grin:

One more last night

5 total :colgate:

Another last night for 8. Crappy quality, even with the lucid cola =P

just one more this month to reach my goal!


26 now.

I had a short one a few days ago, and a long one last night :cool: That makes a total of 6 and the best lucid month in a long time!

And I end with 27 with a short unusual one last night.

Well, two nights ago I had a short one, and while it was probably after midnight of the 31st, I’ll give myself the benefit of the doubt and give myself the .5 =]

8.5! Lucidity steadily climbing each month!

the first post hadn’t been updated since 15th january … so I have just added the rest of the LDs